Pleading for the life of a traitor... who you love

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*Video by Luiza Venâncio*

*Bellamy admits he loves Clarke and Octavia lets her live.*

*It was never gunna happen but a girl can dream*

Bellamy Blake stormed toward the tent of 'Blodreina'. His once kind, and sweet sister who was now willing to kill one of the only people he truly cared about.

As he walked his mind was filled with memories of Clarke. Memories he had tried to push deep down for the past six years.

He had tried to forget. The way it felt to hold her. The way she made him feel like anything was possible.

She knew him, more than anyone else and she still cared for him.

She was his best friend.

She couldn't die, not for him.

She didn't kill Octavia because he asked her to. She could have stopped the war. But instead she made a new plan, more dangerous than before, to keep Octavia alive. And now she was paying for it.

Bellamy remembered when they had first met.

"Stop!" The words had flown out of her.

She was strong, he could see it. He knew then that she would be problematic for him. He knew she would pose a challenge.

He knew she would get the Ark to the ground if it meant her own death.

While he was intimidated by her fire, he was also impressed.

He shook his head.

He would see the fire again.

Clarke would not die for him.

"I'm not coming in." Clarke's voice rang in his mind.

That was it.

The moment he knew he loved her.

But she had betrayed him for Lexa.

Of course he too had done unforgivable things.

They forgave eachother despite. They loved each other despite.

Bellamy knew deep down his love for Clarke was more than friendly.

But it had been so long.

He was the ghost of his former self while she was like a Phoenix, rising from the literal ashes of the world and coming out stronger.

He didn't deserve her.

He had left her to die, he had moved on while she stayed on Earth, alone.

He had Echo now.

Clarke was just his best friend.

Nothing more, but still nothing less.

His mind again was assaulted by an image.

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