Bellarke season 1 AU- Trapped

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*video by Kelsey P on youtube*

*video by Kelsey P on youtube*

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*link to my inspiration (aka the scene we deserved) ^^^ https://clarkgriffon

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*link to my inspiration (aka the scene we deserved) ^^^*
*Earth kills AU where Bellamy and Clarke get trapped alone together in the acid fog*

"I think I should go with you." Bellamy voice was firm.

"What about the hunting party?" Clarke asked, trying not to notice as Bellamy lifted his shirt from his stomach to wipe the sweat from his brow.

They hadn't been on earth long but somehow they had managed to be attacked and run out of food.

Jasper was getting worse and worse everyday. His only hope was a strain of seaweed, one that would cure him.

Wells, Clarke and Finn were supposed to go together, but Bellamy had other ideas.

"They don't need me, or my protection." Bellamy answered, looking at Clarke earnestly.

"And you're saying I do?" Clarke huffed, turning to leave without him.

Bellamy caught her shoulder then.

"Wells might know what the plant looks like but no one knows these woods like me." He wagered.

"Dump the hippy and bring me along instead."

Clarke thought for a moment.

Bellamy did know the woods. He'd been the one out hunting, searching for survivors and supplies.

Sure Finn was a great tracker, but there was nothing they needed to track.

They needed Bellamy to get to the lake and they needed Wells to the seaweed.

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