Bellarke- Secret (season 1 AU)

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*I've probably done this before so forgive my uninspired brain*
*Bellamy and Clarke start a relationship on the ground, but with both their reputations on the line they try and keep it secret*

Clarke Griffin stared at Jasper Jordan hopelessly. She'd read every medical textbook the Ark had to offer, listened to every story her mother had told, looked at over a hundred years of medical records from the Ark, but nothing could prepare her for this.

On the Ark most of the traumatic injuries were broken bones or sprained ankles for manual labourers. Never would Clarke, or even her mother had experience a spear to the chest. It just didn't happen in their world.

Clarke sighed.

It happened here.

Jasper was finally asleep, and Clarke hoped that the fever he was running would break soon. She was worried that he was start showing more signs of sepsis soon, and that they would lose him from the infection.

She wiped Jasper's face gently with a damp cloth, tears in her eyes.

"Hey Princess." The familiar smug tone of Bellamy Blake rang through the room as he climbed up the ladder.

"Come to take Jasper's band while he's asleep?" Clarke jeered.

Bellamy sighed heavily.

"You think so little of me?" He asked, standing up and moving toward Clarke and the other boy.

"Yes." Clarke didn't look at him.

She knew she had no right to be angry. Bellamy had saved her life today. It would have been just as easy to let her fall, all of his worries would have be gone. But he didn't.

"How is he?" The concern in Bellamy's voice surprised Clarke, she looked up at him.

"There's no bleeding- but he- he's running a fever and I don't know how to fix it." Tears appeared in her eyes once more.

"Hey, it's okay." Bellamy moved to place a hand on Clarke's shoulder.

Without thinking Clarke placed her hand atop of his. She sighed heavily.

"How are you doing?" Bellamy's voice broke the silence between them.

Clarke stood, turning to look at him.

"What do you mean?"

"How're you after today?"

"Oh- I uh- I'm okay. It wasn't a big deal." She spluttered, surprised that he'd thought of anyone but himself for more than a moment.

"Clarke, you could have died. It's okay if you're a little shaken up." There was a lilt to his voice that made Clarke melt. She felt like she was safe to confide in him.

"I was so scared." She breathed, a small laugh escaping her.

She looked at Bellamy, his brow creased as he wiped away a tear from her cheek.

"And now?"

"And now I'm terrified. I keep thinking about dying here, without ever getting to see my mom again- without ever really having had a life of my own and I..." Clarke was really crying now, her bright green eyes filled with tears.

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