Love Triangle- Season 1 AU

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*Clarke 'knew' Bellamy on the Ark, now he's desperate to protect her and she's falling for someone else* 

*Inspired by this INCREDIBLE VIDEO by coldrequiem*

Clarke Griffin was not a romantic by any means. She believed loved was nothing more than a chemical reaction in the brain, used explicitly for mating purposes. 

 But, as she descended toward Earth her mind did wander to Bellamy Blake. She had thought she loved him, back when she still believed in it. 

She was sixteen when they met. He had been twenty two. This of course meant that they had to sneak around when they wanted to see each other. Which was... often. 

Clarke shut her eyes and smiled. 

She remembered the way his hands felt on her body. How his smile had been the only she cared about for almost a year. She remembered how when she kissed him she felt like she was on fire. 

They had been together nearly 11 months when she was arrested. Forbidden to see anyone. 

She knew he probably waited. But it had been over a year. She knew that he would have moved on. The thought of it made her sick. 

Clarke opened her eyes as the rocket shook. 

She was going to die. 

She would never see Bellamy Blake again. 

She let herself cry. 

She mourned Bellamy, she mourned herself, she mourned love, for it had died in her arms and it could not be revived. 

Love was weakness, it was useless. 

Love was stupid. 

"Hey there Princess, don't look so down." She hear a snide voice remark. 

She looked to her left. 

A boy she vaguely recognized sat beside her. 

"Space walker." She scowled. He was one of the reasons the 100 was being sent to the ground in the first place. 

"The one and only." Finn smiled. 

"What's your name Princess?" He asked flirtatiously. 

Clarke remained silent. 

"You don't like it when I call you Princess, do ya Princess?" He joked. 

Clarke cracked a smile. 

"I'm Clarke. Griffin." She said quietly. 

"Well, Clarke Griffin..." He began, his voice low and husky. 

"You need anything... and I mean anything on the ground you come find me." He said suggestively.

Clarke giggled, a blush rushing to her cheeks. Love might not have been real but lust certainly was. 

Clarke smiled. 

"I might just do that." 

The drop ship shuddered and hit the ground. Clarke's head was thrown back, as was Finn's.

"You alright Princess?" He asked, his voice panicked. 

Clarke chuckled. 

"All good Spacewalker." She joked, un-clipping her seat belt.

"Where are you going?" Finn called as Clarke ran down the stairs. 

"Outside!" She exclaimed with a laugh. 

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