Bellarke Modern AU- Soldier

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*shout out to MeganDare for the inspo*
*Carreyland I'm youtube really out here proving how much Bellamy and Clarke need each other 😭*


"Come on, Clarke. It'll be good for you." Her mother's voice called from the hall.

Clarke watched her mother pull beach towels from the closet.

She rolled over on the couch so she was facing inward.

"I feel sick." She made an excuse.

"You're much too pregnant to be using morning sickness as an excuse." Her mother laughed.

Clarke's hand made her way to her stomach. Her mother was right. Most women stopped experiencing morning sickness after the 3rd or 4th month.

Clarke was five months along now. She should have known her mom would never buy it.

"Fine." She sighed, dragging herself into a sitting position.

"I just don't want to."

Clarke's Mom looked at her sympathetically.

"Honey, the world doesn't stop turning while he's away."

Her words burned Clarke's chest.

Bellamy had been gone just over 5 months. He wouldn't be back for another 7. He would miss the birth of their child.

Clarke hadn't even been able to get a hold of him to tell him the baby's sex.

She had found out at her 20 week scan and called him immediately, but he hadn't picked up. When he did call her back, almost 3 days later, reception was spotty and they had just enough time to tell each other they loved one another before they were cut off.

"It's- not about him." She lied. She didn't want to seem weak.

She'd done this before. 100 times.

Bellamy has enlisted straight out of high school.

He and Clarke had met at a blood drive while he was on leave. Their mutual desire to help people bringing them together.

Clarke had walked into the blood drive, impressed by the amount of people that were there. So few people realised how much they could help with just the scratch of a needle.

She had seen him then. A tall, scruffy haired boy in a military uniform, laid up in a chair with a needle in his arm.

She chose the seat next to him.

"Well hello there." The boy chuckled as she sat down. Clarke was still wearing her nurses scrubs.

"Hi." Clarke throat was tight. Now that she was close to him she saw just how... well... hot he was.

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