Season 2 AU- Clarke rescues Bellamy from Mount Weather

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*inspiration by bellamyblake on tumblr*


Clarke was running. Desperate. Confused. Afraid.

She had never done anything so recklessly stupid in her life.

She felt her heart beating so hard she was afraid it would break out of her chest.

She was inside Mount Weather, creeping through the very door she had escaped through just days before.

There was no way she thought she would ever come back here.

But when Lexa told her that they had lost constancy with Bellamy...

Clarke was desperate.

She couldn't place the feeling. It felt like someone was sitting on her chest while she was gasping for air.

"I will not send a rescue mission for Bellamy. He could be fine Clarke."

Lexa's words had been cruel. Cruel and true.

She knew she might be ruining everything by storming back into Mount Weather, armed nonetheless.

But she knew she needed to.

She knew that if it were her, Bellamy would ride in, guns blazing, like the brave knight he was.

Clarke shook her head, walking down a dark hallway.

She knew that if Bellamy were trapped, they would be holding him with the others.

Clarke could see it now, Bellamy strung up, being drained for his blood, or being drilled into on a table.

It made her nauseous.

They had already been through so much together.

He had saved her life, and she had saved his.

They were co-leaders, and friends, since Finn had died though, Clarke felt something stirring inside herself.

It was as if Finn's death taught her what really mattered.

How to care for those who she truly loved.

Bellamy has become one of those people.

She felt as though she needed him to continue surviving.

She had conceded to Lexa's will, sent Bellamy into Mount Weather, despite her worry for him.

Lexa said that love made you weak.

Clarke disagreed.

She had never felt more dangerous than she did right now.

Part of her was terrified, but part of her felt unstoppable.

Nothing could stand between her and Bellamy Blake.

Clarke reached a door which was locked by a key. She made an exasperated sound in the back of her throat.

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