Bellarke Modern AU- "And they were roommates"

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Inspired by this awesome
song on tik tok: ***
*Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin are roommates... what could go wrong*

"What's for breakfast?" A bleary eyed Clarke Griffin emerged from her bedroom, walking down the small hallway toward her kitchen.

She heard a laugh.

"I think you mean dinner."

She rounded the corner to see Bellamy Blake, standing with the fridge door open as if food may magically appear.

"What do you-"

Clarke looked up at the time, it was 6pm.

"Bellamy!" She chided.

"What?" The boy turned to her with a sly grin.

"I told you to wake me at 11 so I could study." She chastised.

The boy looked at her amusedly.

"You had just gotten off a night shift, Clarke. I wasn't going to wake you." He said, softly. Clarke found herself surprised at the gentle manner of his voice.

Clarke had moved in here just under 3 months ago, after running out on her mom. In all that time she had never heard Bellamy Blake be so tender.

"Well- I guess I have to thank you. I was exhausted. 2 different people threw up on me last night." She sighed, sitting herself down at the counter.

Bellamy chuckled.

"Similar thing happened to me." He joked.

"Let me guess," Clarke put her head in her hands.


"No Gina and I aren't going out anymore."


"God no. Too clingy."

"Then who?" Clarke laughed.

She watched as Bellamy filled the kettle in the sink.

"Uh, Raven actually. We went out, had a few too many drinks. Aside from the puking in the Uber and costing me a $40 cleaning fee she's a pretty cool girl."

Clarke felt a strange pain in her chest. She should be happy, Raven was one of her best friends. She deserved to have fun, especially after they had had their heart broken by the same guy.

Bellamy watched Clarke's face fall.

"You're not mad are you?"

Clarke forced a laugh.

"No, no god no. I just- I just didn't know you two knew each other that well."

"Oh yeah," Bellamy turned placing the kettle on the stove to boil.

"We met when you had her over for your house warming." He said, looking back to gauge Clarke's reaction.

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