Season 6 AU- Together on the ground

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*I was literally inspired by this 100 meme by ricchardmadden; inspiration comes in many forms 😂*

It took 3 days to wake everyone else from their cryopods.

Bellamy and Clarke had barely spoken.

Each of them too afraid to talk about their feelings.

Bellamy knew now that Clarke had radioed him. Everyday. For six years.

Clarke knew that Bellamy had suffered greatly when he lost her, and the idea that maybe he had been up night after night as she had, praying they would be reunited gave her hope.

Clarke was organising the expedition to the ground.

The new earth needed exploring, and she had been asleep for a literal century. Safe to say she was a little stir crazy.

She walked to Bellamy's room.

Shouting sounds emanated from it.

"You left me behind!" Bellamy shouted.

"You know how many people have abandoned me and yet it wasn't you standing at the dropship door, begging me to come inside. It was Clarke!" Bellamy huffed.

Echo laughed.

"Clarke is one of the people who left you! You told me how much Arkadia broke you! But suddenly, because she's back, you forgive all of her sins and accuse me!" She retorted.

"Clarke leaving Arkadia has nothing to do with this. It was literally 100 years ago!" Bellamy fought.

"You said nothing would change Bellamy. But it's obvious it has. Go find Clarke. Tell her how you feel because it's apparent that you don't love me like you used to. And to be totally honest, this new Bellamy scares me." Echo hissed.

"Scares you?" Bellamy whimpered.

"The old Bellamy knew how to get things done. To kill for the sake of his people. He knew that survival was paramount. This... new Bellamy, who's ready to make a treaty with those people who tried to kill us, who stays behind even if it kills him. You're weak, and you can't be weak on this new planet. You'll die..." she spoke cruelly.

"I'm not gunna be around to see it." She bit.

The door was pulled open in front of Clarke and Echo sped out.

She scoffed when she saw Clarke.

"Typical." She whispered, tears in her eyes.

Clarke waited a few moments, before entering the room.

Bellamy was wiping his eyes.

"You heard that?" He asked, his low voice gruff.

"Some of it." Clarke admitted, sitting next to Bellamy on the bed.

They sat in silence for a moment.

"You're not weak, Bellamy." Clarke said suddenly.

"You're the opposite. Forgiveness takes more strength than revenge and god knows you're good at forgiveness." Clarke joked.

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