Bellarke Modern AU- There's only one bed, whatever will they do?

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*Bringing out a classic*
*shout out to TikTok for the reemergence of the 'there's only one bed trope'*
*Bellamy and Clarke are rival Doctors who're sent on a trip together*

"Morning, Harper!" Clarke Griffin flew through the doors of the ER, pulling her hair haphazardly into a bun.

"Morning, Dr. Griffin." She chuckled, turning to look at the clock, it was six am and Harper was pretty sure she'd seen Clarke leave at 2am.

"Weren't you just-"

"Here? Yeah." Clarke laughed, dashing past her in search of coffee.

She had only just gotten home and to bed when her phone rang. One of the other doctors had called in sick and so now, here she was again, just 4 hours after her last shift ended.

She moved into the break room, taking the coffee pot into her hands as if it was the holy grail.

"Thank you." She whispered, gratefully to a god she didn't believe in.

"No, thank you." A man's voice was behind her and suddenly the pot of coffee was no longer in her hand.

"Bellamy." Clarke sneered as she watched the man pour the last drops of coffee into his paper cup.

"Dr. Blake." He corrected, sipping the coffee and making a point to sigh contentedly.

Clarke snatched the now empty coffee pot back from him.

"What're you doing here, Dr Blake." She said his name like the act physically hurt.

"Consult." He replied, sitting down on the couch and throwing his feet up on the coffee table.

"Doesn't look like you're doing much consulting." She filled the pot with water, not bothering to look back at him.

"Luxury of being a surgeon, get to spend less time down here, slummin' it." He laughed.

Clarke whipped her head around to look at him.

"Look pretty comfy for someone who's slumming it." She placed the pot on to brew.

Before Bellamy could think of a witty response, Harper burst through the door.

"We got an MVA coming in 4 passengers so far, all critical."

Clarke looked at the coffee pot longingly.

"Maybe next time, old friend."


The day felt like it was over before it even began. Clarke Griffin exited the hospital just as the sun was beginning to set.

She sighed heavily, throwing herself down on the nearest park bench.

"Busy day?" A familiar voice chided.

"Very." She ceded, too tired to argue with him.


She noticed bitterly he had another cup of coffee in his hand.

"What're you even doing here, Bellamy?"

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