Ark AU- Cellmates

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*Video by Morgana LeFay*

*if Clarke and Bellamy were cellmates on the Ark*

Day 1: 

Clarke Griffin was tossed into a prison cell. She was sobbing, left in the darkness to relive her fathers death over and over. 

She breathed in deeply, pressing her head to the concrete floor and screaming as loud as she could for as long as she could. Silence filled the room, only to be broken by the snide remark of a stranger. 

"Keep it down would ya? Some of us are tryna sleep." Bellamy Blake chided. 

"Who are you?" Clarke asked into the darkness. Why on earth was there someone else in her room. 

Bellamy Blake sat up, it was pitch black in the room but the window lit half of the body of the girl lying on the ground before him. 

"I'm Bellamy," the boy began, his voice was ruff and rigid. 

"Guess you're my new roomie." He laughed, a cold short laugh.

"Why?" Clarke whispered. 

Bellamy moved forward toward the girl, curious to see what she looked like. 

He sat in front of her and squinted, he could barely make her out. 

"They're ditching parts of the Ark, breaking them off to save power and oxygen for the rest. That means we have to share." He explained, staring at her intensely. 

He could see her now. 

Blonde hair tied haphazardly behind her head, kind green eyes, she definitely did not look like any girl he'd seen in lock up.  

"What did you do?" Bellamy mused. 

Clarke wiped her eyes, looking now at the boy in front of her. 

He looked older, with curly brown hair and sincere brown eyes. 

He looked much too old to still be in lock up. 

"Why are you still here?" Clarke asked, ignoring his question. 

"Answer me first." Bellamy demanded, though his voice was soft. 

"My father tried to warn people that we're running out of oxygen." She replied. 

"And I tried to help him." She looked up at the boy, who was smiling at her. 

"What?" She asked. 

"You're a badass." He smiled. 

Clarke smiled, forgetting herself for a moment. She learnt against the bed, and looked quizzically at him. 

"How are you still here?" She questioned. 

"You're obviously not 18." She stated. 

He chuckled. "So my high intensity skin regiment hasn't been working?" He chuckled, leaning on the bed beside her. 

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