If 5x09 wasn't heartbreaking

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*Nyla doesn't ruin everything and Clarke doesn't leave Bellamy to die*
*disclaimerrr I don't hate Nyla (Okay a little after 5x09 but I don't hate her character) but she will not be included in this one shot, so if you're not into that, click off xx*

Clarke screamed.

She screamed so loud and for so long that her voice became hoarse.

How could Bellamy do this.

She trusted him.

She trusted him with her life.

She trusted him with Madi's life.

He was a coward.

Saying that he had just as much to lose as she did.

If any of Spacekru died, she was sure Bellamy would live.

This was not the case with Madi.

Aside from radioing Bellamy, Madi was the only thing that kept Clarke sane.

There were days when she thought about ending it all.

Madi was the only thing that stilled her hand.

She sobbed now; her voice to broken to scream.

He would kill her.

Clarke felt a sense of guilt though.

Wasn't this exactly what she had down to Octavia?

She had locked her out of the bunker, and tried to keep Bellamy tied up until she was dead. She even pointed a gun at him!

Guilt began to form under her skin. But she still felt fury.

He was willing to put the flame in her little girl.

Clarke sat with her head in her hands.

Her little girl wasn't so little anymore.

She was the same age as Lexa had been when she ascended.

Her heart stung at the mention of Lexa.

She had been trained to be a ruler. Madi was a child.

She couldn't believe Bellamy would do this.

She closed her eyes as she heard the gate open.

She was ready to kill Bellamy.

He walked into the room, with Madi by his side.

"Don't touch her." Clarke growled.

"Clarke I..." he began.

"Don't you touch her!" She screamed, pulling against her chains like a rapid animal.

Madi was shocked, to see her mother like this.

"Clarke stop." She instructed calmly.

"Bellamy has an idea that's gunna save your life." She said sternly.

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