Season 3- We need each other, Bellamy

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*the hugs/ the lips pressed to her neck / how this should have ended*

Clarke Griffin walked toward Bellamy Blake. She revelled in the sound of the waves lapping the shore. A moment of peace, very likely her last.

She stood beside him, and watched him look out over the water.

She wished she knew what he was thinking.

She knew he was mad at her for leaving. She thought maybe he would have understood, given that they had killed hundreds together.

But while Clarke was hailed a hero for her actions, Bellamy was left to rot in the cage that was his own mind.

He was tormented, as he looked out over the calmness of the sea, he could still hear them screaming.

"Let me guess," he began, breaking the silence between them, "you came here to fix things."

Clarke was speechless, hurt by his cruelty.

"Wanheda the peace maker." He chided, letting his anger out in a string of sarcasm.

"I came to see if you're okay." She whispered.

The words were barely out of her mouth before Bellamy spoke again.

"Well I don't need your help." He said, sadness lacing his tone.

They made eye contact, and for a split second, they saw in one another a person they thought was gone.

Clarke saw remnants of the old Bellamy, the pre Mount Weather Bellamy, the boy desperate to protect his sister.

Bellamy too saw the old Clarke, a girl who didn't leave him when he needed her most, a girl that cared for him, loved him even.

Clarke nodded, turning her body to the ocean. She could see what he saw now, a beautiful ocean, cut in half by the stars.

She breathed in, trying to imagine what it would be like here, with him, if he didn't hate her, or if their lives weren't in danger.

She could imagine them lying on the beach together, a bottle of moonshine in their hands and their lips pressed together.

She'd spent months thinking about him, missing him. She prayed for the day that he would forgive her.

"Clarke," Bellamy said, breaking the silence again.

Clarke could see the pain in his eyes, as he looked toward the fire.

She knew him, felt his guilt, his heartbreak, she ached for him.

"I lost her." He whispered, his eyes glassy.

"Give her time, Bellamy." Clarke stated firmly.

Despite his anger, Clarke's word stuck to him, hit him deep in the chest.

God he had missed her. He hated her for leaving him.

They could have worked through it together, instead she left.

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