Season 6 AU- accidental

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*video by Brianna r on youtube*
*in honour of the new planet, and the deaths of their friends, Clarke and Bellamy share a drink. But that's not all they share.*

Clarke and Bellamy stood with their arms around one another, staring at their new destiny, their new future.

In less than an hour from waking, they had been bombarded with information.

First and foremost, their friends, people Clarke and Bellamy loved, were dead.

They were able to live a life that Bellamy and Clarke could only dream of leading.

Secondly, maybe even more importantly; they had been asleep for over 100 years, and now had to tackle a whole new planet.

They also had Monty and Harper's child to protect.

And though it had only been a few moments, both Bellamy and Clarke were fiercely protective over him.

They stood their for about an hour, letting their silence speak for them.

Everything between them was forgiven, that didn't need to be said. There was nothing like loss, to remind you that any fight is ultimately meaningless in the end.

They were inevitable.

"I think we deserve a drink." Bellamy whispered suddenly.

Clarke was instantly taken back to the days after Mount Weather. Leaving Bellamy had been one of the hardest thing she ever had to do.

But she didn't deserve comfort then, and she couldn't hurt her people any longer.

Clarke shook her head. That was a century ago, it hardly mattered now.

"Damn right we do." She replied, looking at him.

His hand was still on the small of her back, a comfortable and not unwelcome feeling.

They were best friends, and co-leaders, it made sense that they would show each other comfort in times of duress.

Clarke pulled away.

"Jordan do you know if your parents hid any moonshine here?" Clarke asked the boy, who was looking at them curiously.

"They saved a bottle of scotch for when we went back to the ground- but obviously they didn't get to..." he trailed off.

"That'd be perfect." Bellamy smiled, his voice was tougher than normal as he held back tears.

Monty and Harper were his family, and now all that remained of them was the boy they left behind.

Jordan gestured for Clarke and Bellamy to follow, and after confirming with each other that they trusted him, they moved.

This wasn't a spoken confirmation, it was a look, something that they were able to read in each other's eyes.

Bellamy knew he didn't have this with anyone else.

He was the first to follow Jordan.

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