Bellarke Modern AU- Friends with kids (part 2)

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*video by moonlight dreams on youtube*
*Clarke wakes up regretting her choice but it might already be too late*

Clarke Griffin rolled over expecting to revel in the emptiness of her bed, instead, a male body lay beside her.

She pulled back in confusion, only to have the memories of last night wash over her like the sobering, cold shower she should have taken.

What an idiot!

She remembered everything now. The promise they'd shared the time they... spent together.

She was an idiot, an idiot that had fucked up the only good relationship in her life over some theoretical child.

Her blood ran cold.

Her heart was beating out of her chest.

She had to get out of there.

Clarke stood, pulling her dress from last night on. She dashed into the living room, grabbing her shoes.

She heard Bellamy roll in bed.

"Clarke?" She heard him call through the house.

She couldn't face him.

God damn it! She was a fool.

She'd practically seduced her best friend with the promise of a child.

"Clarke?" Bellamy's voice was louder now. Clarke could hear his footfalls on the apartment floor.

She ran out of the room, slamming the door behind her and rushing down the hall.

She jumped into the elevator, sighing with relief as it began to close.

Her relief was squandered as a hand stuck itself inside of the elevator, causing the doors to open once more.

"What's going on, Clarke?" Bellamy's voice was rough. He wore only a pair of boxers, his hair still ruffled from sleep.

"Let me leave, Bellamy." Clarke's voice was warning.

Bellamy had seen her shut down like this before. After Lexa died Clarke seemed to stop living. She never called, never texted. Never went out. It wasn't just him. She cut herself off from the entire world.

She was trying to do the same now.

"Not until you tell me what's going on." Bellamy was insistent.

"I- made a mistake. I shouldn't have asked you to do that. I was drunk and desperate and I..." Clarke was crying now, and Bellamy pulled her into a hug.

"No!" Clarke pushed him away.

"I mean it Bellamy, stay away from me."

"Clarke I..."

"Stay away from me!" She screamed.

Bellamy took a step back.

"You told me that we were in this together. That I was your best friend and that we could always be best friends. You made an agreement, Clarke." Bellamy had his professional tone on.

"Please, as if you wanted anything other than to get your dick wet."

Bellamy took a step back. Clarke knew she'd hurt him.

The pair was silent as the elevator doors closed between them.


6 weeks passed and Bellamy heard nothing from Clarke. He messaged the girl everyday, desperate to hear from her, but all he got was radio silence.

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