SIKE- he's not dead t'was a prank (7x13 AU)

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*Clarke jumps through the Anomaly after killing Bellamy only to find herself somewhere else*

Clarke heard the gun go off, but it didn't feel like she had pulled the trigger. It didn't feel like she had really just decided to end her best friends life. It seemed like a dream. More like a nightmare really.

She ran for the book, but with the Anomaly closing, Clarke didn't have time to fight for it.

She jumped into the green swirling mist, her heart in pieces. All she could see was the look of betrayal on Bellamy's face as the bullet sunk into his chest.

'You're not gunna shoot me, Clarke."

He had been so sure of himself. So sure that she would never hurt him.

Clarke expected then to land firmly with her feet on the ground, instead when she opened her eyes, the whole room was black.

"You see, Bellamy?" A male voice spoke.

"You see what selfish love does to people?"

The lights flicked on. Clarke found herself strapped to a reclining chair, looking up at Bellamy and Cadogan.

"Bellamy." Clarke gasped, her throat wet with tears.


"It was a simulation." Bellamy said, his voice cold.

"Cadogan wanted to show me- show me that my friends were nothing more than the victims of selfish love. Clarke how- how could you?" Bellamy gasped. It felt like he really had been shot in the chest, blood spilling out onto the floor in front of him. He felt broken.

"I'll give you two a moment alone. Bellamy, you may decide Clarke's punishment." Cadogan spoke, condescension lacing his tone.

Clarke couldn't understand how Bellamy let himself be controlled by that man.

"Bellamy," Clarke tried to speak, but the boy wouldn't even look her in the eyes.

"You shot me." He whimpered.

"I know. Bellamy, I'm so sorry." Clarke cried.

"I didn't- I- you were gunna hurt my baby. My child. The only person that loves me like I love her. The only person I had in my life for 6 years."

"Clarke, you- you risked the whole world for me once, what changed?" He begged, looking at her now, his cheeks wet with tears.

"You did, Bellamy." Clarke admitted.

"You let me be tortured, you let Raven be tortured. You gave us all up. We're supposed to be your family."

"You are my family!" Bellamy snapped.

"Or you were. Family's don't kill one another."

"Octavia tried to kill you, you poisoned her. Don't tell me that you haven't made mistakes." Clarke bit back.

"Those mistakes didn't end my life!" Bellamy was shouting now.

He couldn't stand there and listen to Clarke rationalise his death.

"You're right. You're right- but god Bellamy, can't you atleast understand a little? The things you've done for Octavia, the things you've done for me?"

Bellamy sighed heavily. The truth is he could understand; the fear of losing the only person that meant anything to you. He was prepared to burn Sanctum to the ground when he thought Clarke was gone. He had walked through the woods with a bullet in his leg to rescue her from Roan. He knew how high the stakes were, but it only made it hurt more. Because while Clarke had been the one he was sacrificing for, he hadn't been her one.

They stayed like that in silence for a moment, Bellamy weighing up his options.

He could take revenge, send the girl he loved to Penance for ending his imaginary life- or he could forgive her, like he had done a thousand times and was likely to do a thousand more.

Clarke was he weak point, his blind spot. Everything began and ended with her.

He would never forgive himself if he let her go. It would take him a while, to forgive what she had done. But he knew he couldn't condemn her for something he himself would have done.

"Couldn't have shot me in the leg?" He laughed suddenly, startling Clarke.

"I've always been a lousy shot." Clarke replied gently, hoping his kindness wasn't a trap.

"But you had such a good teacher." Bellamy replied sarcastically.

Clarke remembered now, him teaching her how to shoot, his hand on her, the way it felt to be close to him.

She knew she had probably ruined her chance with him forever. But that didn't mean that she didn't love him anymore.

"Guess I'll need a refresher course then."

Bellamy moved over to Clarke then, loosening the restraints on her wrists.

Once she was free the girl threw herself around him.

Bellamy didn't hug her back, but he let himself be held, trying not to fall apart.

It had felt like so long ago that Clarke was holding him like this, after just coming back from the dead.

He wished they could to back, to before all of this, to before they'd hurt one another.

"When I saw the footage, when I saw you shoot me, I was so angry." Bellamy admitted, pulling back to look at Clarke.

"I don't want to feel that way anymore."

Clarke touched the side of the boy's face, wiping a tear away with her thumb.

She remembered that night on the beach. She remembered how much they had hurt each other then. They could get through this again.

Clarke pulled the boy back into her arms, gasping as she felt his hands move around her waist.

It felt like forgiveness, even if Bellamy wasn't ready to give it yet.

"I know you're not ready to forgive me." She whispered, holding him close.

"But I'm going to prove that I'm worthy of your forgiveness, however long it takes."

Clarke promised herself to the boy. She meant every word. She couldn't take back what she did but she could try to do better.

"Okay," Bellamy agreed, standing up and moving toward the door.

He held his hand out for Clarke, watching her as she stood.

"Whatever happens next, we're in it together." He told her, as she placed her hand in his own.

Clarke smiled. There was no way she deserved this. A second chance with Bellamy. A second chance at life. But she was grateful for it.

She would do better. She would be better. She would prove herself to Bellamy.



Hey all, I'm back. I wanted to fix this episode but I'm not sure how well I did. I couldn't have a bellarke kiss in this one. I couldn't find a way that Bellamy would ever forgive her, but I was happy that he was willing to try. Let me know what y'all thought?

I'm thinking (unless anyone has any great ideas) that this will be my second to last update.

Soon the 100 will be over and I will write Bellamy into their happy ending. I think that's a good place to end things. But let me know what you guys think/want

I want to thank everyone for all the support that's been shown to me. Your comments on the last update made me smile x

As always thanks for all the reads, votes and comments.

See y'all in the next one x

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