Bellarke Season 7 AU- Brainwashed Bellamy

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*The Disciples have Bellamy brainwashed, his mission is to kill Clarke and eliminate all of her friends*
*amazing video by Fulfilment on youtube*

Clarke pulled desperately against the restraints around her wrists. She was strapped on a chair, a sort of metal crown around her head.

"The neural link is engaged." She heard a man say. Clarke didn't know what that meant but she knew it couldn't be good.

She tried to catch Bellamy's eye, but he acted as if she were any other prisoner.

She couldn't believe it. She couldn't for one second believe that Bellamy, her Bellamy had given up so easily. That they had taken his memories.

He was a ghost of his former self. Just a face, he didn't even know his own name.

"Bellamy," Clarke tried, desperate to have the boy listen to her. She knew that deep down the old Bellamy had to be in there somewhere. He hadn't given up on her when her mind had been taken over, she certainly wasn't going to give up on him.

"You don't want to do this." She begged.

"I have to." Bellamy's voice was different. Harder. Colder.

"Dial up the frequency." Another man in a white coat spoke.

Clarke knew him, the man that took her best friends memories. The man who let her think he was dead.

Clarke didn't know if this was much better. She was sure Bellamy would have rather died himself than be turned into this thing. This monster.

That had always been Bellamy's greatest fear. She remembered that night in the forest, hundreds of years ago now.

"I'm a monster."

"No you're not."

Clarke watched in horror as her memories played out on the screen. Memories of her, calling Bellamy, every day for over 6 years.

"Bellamy, if you can hear me, if you're alive"

"It's been safe for you to come down for over a year now, why haven't you?"

"You did what you had to do, I'm proud of you"

"Oh god this would be so much easier if I knew you were alive"

"What the hell is this?" Clarke's voice was interrupted by Bellamy.

Clarke could see tears in his eyes. Even if he didn't know her, her pain meant something to him.

"Just another standard disciple, psych eval." The man in the white coat answered.

Clarke wanted to scream, to call him a liar, but as Bellamy turned to leave Clarke felt all of the fight she had in her leave with him.

She would die here, and Bellamy wouldn't care.


Later Clarke was back in her cell. She hadn't been able to see her friends since she had found out Bellamy was alive. They kept her seperate, believed she was a key of some kind. Clarke didn't care about that all that much, all she could think about was Bellamy.

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