Season 1- a thin line between love and hate

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*this one shot takes place during Season 1 Episode 8*

"Sent on a mission by the Ark, Clarke recruits Bellamy to join her. The two head to an old aid depot for supplies and a possible home for the approaching winter. A terrifying event brings Clarke and Bellamy closer. "

The sound of leaves crunching underfoot filled Clarke Griffin's ears as she marched behind Bellamy Blake. She heard him huff and saw him run his fingers through his hair.

Pretentious. She thought to herself, adjusting her pack and allowing her mind to wander.

All she could think about though was Finn, his stupid smile, his stupidly good body, and his stupidly hot girlfriend.

She sighed, a long, angry sigh and heard Bellamy snicker.

"What?" She retorted, jogging to catch up to him. She rolled her eyes at the smug smile on his face.

"What?" She demanded again.

Bellamy laughed, turning his head to look at her.

"You're an idiot for letting that long haired, space walking, hippie break your heart, princess." He joked, grinning.

Clarke huffed.

"You know I don't like to be called princess." She replied, looking up at the sky.

Clarke had read every book that existed about the ground, but those writers never talked about the warmth of the sun, and how it felt on their skin.

Clarke smiled for a little minute, before frowning.

"He didn't break my heart." She whispered, unconvincingly.

"Whatever you say, princess." Bellamy shot back, laughing.

Clarke hit his arm.

"I am not a princess." She demanded.

Bellamy stopped walking, and after a moment Clarke followed.

"Seriously though," Bellamy began, clearing his throat and scratching the back of his neck, "you're too good for him, and if he can't see that he's dumber than I thought." He said earnestly, before walking off.

Clarke had to jog to catch up.

"Was that a compliment?" She laughed.

"No." Bellamy said, heat rising to his cheeks.

"It was. You said I'm good." She grinned at him.

"I said too good for him and he's about as low as it gets." Bellamy tried to defend himself. He fixed his eyes on the bush in front of them.

"It's still a compliment." Clarke chuckled.

Bellamy smiled, letting himself laugh.

"Don't worry..." he began, looking suspiciously at the bush again.

"It won't happen again."

Before Clarke could reply someone was running at them, a grounder, a spear in his hand and a mask covering his face. All accept a pair of eyes, glowing with anger.

"Clarke get back!" Bellamy shouted, pushing Clarke to the side. He heard her fall, but was too focused on their foe to worry.

He pulled his gun from his pocket, he knew he only had one bullet left, so he shot had to be good.

Taking a deep breath, he lined the gun up, and pulled the trigger.

The bullet flew toward the grounder and he fell to the ground. Silent. Dead.

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