5x13 a bellarke ending

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*probably one of many 5x13 au's that I'll do because it's just too sad*

*Clarke begs Bellamy to get in the ship, he won't, until...*

*5x13 spoilers ahead*

*also it really is the worlds slowest burn now huh. 131 years ain't bad*

The voice called 6 minutes. 6 minutes until Eden was gone for good. 6 minutes for Clarke to save the man she loved. 

She called to him. 

"Bellamy get inside!" Her voice was hoarse, emotional. 

She had thought he was dead once. She couldn't watch him die now. 

She had watched enough people she loved perish. 

"I'm not leaving my friends behind!" He yelled back to her. 

Bellamy turned, he could see Clarke's green eyes glistening with tears. 

He remembered the rocket now, leaving her on the ground. 

"I can't do that again." He whimpered. 

Clarke ached to hold him then. 

To wrap her arms around him and pull him inside. 

She would never let anything hurt him. 

If he were hers, she would be his eternally. 

Bellamy looked ahead again, begging a god he wasn't sure of to save his friends. 

He didn't want to die here. 

He wanted to shut those doors from the inside. 

He wanted to talk to Clarke, about the radio, 

When Madi had told him, he hadn't believed it. 

No way, the Clarke Griffin he knew would call him everyday. 

But he remembered her hesitation, saying she wasn't alone. 

She had him. 

Bellamy realized now that it was Clarke. 

It had been Clarke since the moment they had landed on the ground. 

She hadn't given up on him, even when he gave up one himself. 

She had always protected him, even if it meant her own life. 

She loved him. 

Echo was no where to be seen. 

She was in the ship presumably safe. 

She didn't care for Bellamy the way Clarke did. 

He saw it finally, the love in Clarke's eyes. 

She wanted him, and not for the first time, he wanted her. 

He wanted to run onto that ship, and sweep her into his arms.

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