Bellarke season 5 AU- Bellamy and Clarke in the fighting pit

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* made a bellarke edit that slaps hard*
*Octavia arrests Clarke and Bellamy, forcing them to fight one another in the pit*

The second Octavia stormed in the room, Bellamy knew it was over.

He had followed Clarke into another murder. And now it would come back to haunt them.

He didn't mourn Cooper. She was part of the reason for this new Octavia. The Octavia that was standing before him now. The Octavia that he feared.

"Take her." Octavia's word was swift, the guards moving the grab Clarke.

"Octavia stop!" Bellamy tried to step forward as Clarke's hands were bound in front of her.

Looking into her eyes though, he knew she didn't want him to fight.

"Promise me you'll protect her." She begged.

Bellamy was about to agree. Of course he would protect Madi, but Octavia's vicious laugh interrupted them.

"He won't have the chance." Octavia looked at her brother, trying to control the twinge in her heart that accompanied the thought of his death.

She had to look away.

"Take him too." She instructed and more guards descended on Bellamy.

"No!" Clarke cried as they grabbed him.

"It's not his fault."

"Clarke, stop." Bellamy's voice was warning. He didn't want her sacrificing herself for him.

"It was my idea." She insisted.

Octavia laughed again, grabbing Clarke roughly by the face.

"It's always your idea. And like a fool, my brother always follows you."

The pair were escorted out of the room then, through the camp for everyone to see and chained down in the depths of the bunker.

Clarke could see how people went insane down here. The low light, the constant buzzing sound. It was like being back on the Ark accept without the luxury of windows, without the sobering view of the stars.

Once they were chained, the guards left, standing just outside the door, just out of earshot of the pair.

"What're we gunna do?" Bellamy's voice was low, Clarke could see the fear in his eyes.

She watched him tug on the chains around his wrist, trying to break away from the metal bar that used them captive.

"Nothing." Clarke was defeated, she slid to the ground, placing the back of her head against the bar.

"Octavia won't let you die. You're safe. She's just making an example." She told him.

Bellamy looked down at the girl, wringing her hands.

"What about you?"

"What about me?" Clarke laughed, defeated.

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