3x05: Together?

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*that angtsy scene with the hand holding and the teary eyes and OH MY GOSH JUST KISS ALREADY*

"Now I'm done." Octavia's words hung in his ears.

She was here. Clarke Griffin was standing in front of him.

After all this time, he still ached to touch her.

But he wouldn't give her the satisfaction of a hug. She was in the wrong here, and he would punish her even if it killed him.

"Go easy on Octavia." The first words she said to him. Condescending.

"I had to beg her to get me into camp." Her voice softer now, grateful, emotional.

"What're you doing here?" Bellamy demanded. He had to be cold. He had to make himself not feel. Otherwise he'd pull her into his arms and beg her never to leave his side again.

"We need to talk." She said, her voice barely a whisper.

"Oh you've decided that?" Bellamy bit.

"The mighty Wenheda. Who chose the grounders over her own people, who turned her back on us when we needed her. You wanna talk?" He was being cruel, and he knew it. But he couldn't look her in the eye unless it was a glare. There was too much history. Too many feelings he was desperately afraid to admit.

She had chosen Lexa. Not him.

"I came here to tell you that the ice nation has paid the price." She said, stepping toward him.

"Justice has been served for the attack on Mount Weather." She continued, eyes fixed on his.

"I came here to tell you it's over."

"There it is again." Bellamy did smugly, a crude smile pacing his lips.

"Why do you get to decide it's okay?" He snipped.

"We did our part." She whimpered.

This was not the Bellamy she had left behind.

This Bellamy was cold, cruel.

"We?" He demanded.

"Lexa and I..." There it was, those words. He knew it had to be about her.

She wouldn't be doing this if it weren't for her.

Lexa was evil, manipulative, she took Clarke away from him.

"The ice queen is dead. The problem was solved." She spoke again.

Bellamy his hands crossed tightly.

"You let Pike ruin everything." She accused. She wasn't going to be nice to him, if he was going to treat her like a traitor.

"Why're you here Clarke?" Bellamy asked. He was tired of this.

It was better she leave now. He didn't know how long he could stay mad.

Her beautiful green eyes lit up with the passion of the fight.

"Arkadia needs to make things right." She said softly.

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