Bellarke season 7 AU- Bellamy rescues Clarke from Bardo

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*inspiration above*
*Hope makes a deal to take Clarke to Bardo in order to save Octavia*

"Clarke!" Bellamy's screams rippled through the forest.

He couldn't fathom it, how Hope, an unborn child, just days ago, had come through the Anomaly and stabbed Clarke.

He remembered all of it. Hope coming through, apologising to Octavia before shoving a knife into Clarke.

He remembered catching her in his arms seconds before the girl disappeared, pulled into the Anomaly.

"Clarke!" The boy's voice broke. He couldn't have lost her, not again. He would go after her, even if that meant jumping into the Anomaly himself.

Bellamy was blinded suddenly by an intense pain in the back of his skull, an unknown, invisible assailant striking him.

He could see spots before his vision, he knew he would be unconscious any second.

"Clarke." He called out hopelessly.



Clarke Griffin awoke strapped to a table, an aching pain in her gut and a ringing in her ears.

"Where am I?" She asked, as her eyes adjusted to the bright white room around her.

"Bardo." A voice told her. It was gentle, more caring then she had expected from a captor.

"Helpful." Clarke laughed breathlessly, pulling on the restraints at her sides.

To her surprise, the man laughed.

"I'm Levitt." He told her.

"Octavia, told me a lot about you."

"When did you..." Clarke was struggling to wrap her mind around everything. Octavia has been gone days, this man was talking about her like an old friend.

"Look I'm kinda on a time crunch and explaining to you the laws of the universe seems like it might take some, so, if you cooperate and we get this done fast I'll explain everything."

"Cooperate?" Clarke's stomach was in knots.

She'd been tortured before, by her own mother. She wasn't sure if she'd be so strong this time.

"I just need to have a look into your memories, we need some information from you." He said vaguely.

"Then you'll let me go?"

"If your information is satisfactory I'm sure you'll be allowed back to Sanctum." Levitt told her.

"And you won't take anymore of my people?" Clarke bargained.

"God, Octavia was right you are stubborn." He sighed.

"You're the one we needed, Clarke. As long as you cooperate, your friends will be fine." The threat was thinly veiled.

"Okay. Okay I'll do it." Clarke agreed.

"Perfect." Levitt smiled.

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