Bellarke season 2 AU- Sacrifice

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*Clarke can't live without Finn but Bellamy can't live without Clarke*
*Trigger warning: violence*

Bellamy watched from a distance, feeling hopeless as Clarke moved toward the enemy.

God Finn was an idiot. Giving himself up, making Clarke risk her life to save him.

Finn's sacrifice wasn't selfless like Clarke believed. He wasn't a hero. He wanted to die from the guilt of what he had done, so he left, abandoned her and his people, who had already fought so hard to keep him safe.

His blood was beginning to boil. Clarke walking right into the mouth of the enemy for the man she loved made his chest feel tight.

It hadn't been long since they'd landed, but in the numbered weeks Clarke had managed to save Bellamy's life. If she weren't there that night in the forest he- he didn't like to think about it.

He ached to follow her. To back her up like he always had.

They were a team whether she liked it or not and the thought of her facing any sort of danger alone- he couldn't bare it.

Bellamy looked over at Raven, he could see his feelings mirrored in her eyes.

Someone she cared about was out there. Their life on the line.

Bellamy shut his eyes for just a moment, just long enough to hear Raven gasp quietly.

"They're untying him." She whispered.

Bellamy's eyes shot open.

How had Clarke convinced them to let him go?

He watched as Finn resisted them. He could see Finn yelling at the girl. It looked almost as if he was begging her.

The realisation hit Bellamy the moment before the guard took her wrist.

"No, Clarke!" Bellamy's scream echoed through the camp. Everyone turned to look at him as Clarke was strapped to the tree.

She'd given herself up. Traded places.

She didn't deserve this.

Bellamy's hand clasped the gun at his waist, and he turned to exit Arkadia as everyone else realised what was happening.

"Bellamy, stop." Raven's firm hand was on the boy's shoulder.

"If you attack now, we all die."

Bellamy turned toward her. Raven could see the tears in his eyes.

"Easy for you to say. Finn will be back any minute. Safe. And Clarke just eliminated herself from the competition." Bellamy bit.

He moved toward the fence just as Finn was shoved inside.

"Coward!" Bellamy ran toward the boy, grabbing him by the throat.

"What did you do?"

A crowd was forming around them now.

"Clarke- Clarke made a deal. A life for a life." He coughed out.

"And you let her." Bellamy's hand was tightening around Finn's neck.

"I didn't have a choice."

Finn's words enraged Bellamy, he drew his free hand back and punched Finn in the face.

The other boy fell to the ground.

"Maybe if I toss your dead body over the fence they'll give her back." He sneered.

Bellamy was seized by two guards then, as Abbey and Kane approached them.

"Bellamy, stop!" Kane's voice was rigid.

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