7x12 AU- Bellamy hears Clarke's radio calls

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*@artxrism on instagram making me out my clown makeup back on 🤡😭*
*Bellamy watches Clarke's MCAP session and finds out how she really stayed alive on the ground*

"Clarke doesn't have the key. The flame was destroyed."

The words rung in Clarke's ears as she paced back and forth in her cell. She couldn't believe it. What Bellamy had done. She thought they were finally in a place where they didn't have to hurt one another. There was something off about him. About this whole place. Clarke wondered if they'd ever truly believed Bellamy to be dead, or if they had been hiding him away, brainwashing him.

They'd been in here for hours. Bellamy had been the one to throw them in. Clarke remembered the pain in Echo's voice as she begged him to let them out.

"You've lost yourself Bellamy, this isn't you."

Bellamy wouldn't hear any of it. He'd told Echo that if she couldn't accept his faith that they were over.

Clarke knew that this new Bellamy wasn't the man she used to know. But again he didn't know everything. He didn't know that Echo had been on Penance six years, hoping desperately to get back to him.

Now she was curled up in a ball, on one of the three mattresses that covered the floor, staring at the wall.

"What're we gunna do?" Octavia's voice brought Clarke back from her thoughts.

She looked down at the girl, so changed from the girl that ran into the Anomaly, a sister Bellamy could be proud of, if he'd cared to listen.

"Die, probably." Echo chimed in grimly.

"That's not helpful."

"Then what is Clarke?" Echo stood, moving toward the other girl.

"You saw him. Betray you. Aren't you mad?"

"Of course I'm mad!" Clarke conceded.

"But I know what it's like to believe in someone so much you're willing to betray your friends. You do too." She shot at Echo.

"We just have to convince him to come back to his family." Octavia suggested.

"Bellamy loves us. We just have to remind him of that."

The door opened then, Bellamy and another guard moved into the room.

"Bellamy." Clarke whimpered. He was shaven now, with short cropped, curly hair and a clean face. He looked like Bellamy before Praimfaya, her Bellamy.

"Clarke." The boy nodded toward her as if she was an acquaintance.

"We are going to have to take you to MCAP." He said, his voice cold.

Clarke heard the other girl's object, but as the guard moved toward her, pinning her arms behind her back, it all sounded far away.

As she was forced out of the room she could hear Octavia pleading with Bellamy.

"Wait, Bellamy, what are you doing?"

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