Bellarke 7x13 AU- I'm right here

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*Sheidheda saves Bellamy's life, but is Bellamy willing to pay the price?*

Bellamy Blake was thrown backward by the bullet. He felt himself hit the ground, but he didn't feel any pain. All he could feel was betrayal, as blood poured from the open wound in his chest.

He heard Clarke cry out as she jumped through the Anomaly. She had abandoned him. That pain was worse than anything physical he could experience.

Bellamy lay there, bleeding out, watching as the Anomaly sparked as it began to fade, when someone grabbed him.

"Get up." Sheidheda's insistent voice called, grabbing him by the shirt and trying to lift him. Bellamy couldn't help but cry out.

"I can't." The whole room was spinning. He knew he would be dead soon.

"You want to live don't you?" The man wagered.

Bellamy had to consider that question for longer than he thought; without Clarke, without his friends, what was he really doing here?

Maybe Clarke had been right to shoot him. He had let them into her head, threatened her daughter. Maybe he deserved to die.

He couldn't help but let his mind drift then to Clarke, the good times, before all this. How she fit so perfectly between his arms. How every time she touched his face he felt like he might crumble. How his name on her lips was his favourite word.

"I don't want to die." He whimpered.

He gasped as Sheidheda pressed something cloth to his chest, he was trying to stop the bleeding.

"If I get you through the Anomaly, to someone that will help you. You have to do something for me."

"Anything." Bellamy could feel himself getting weaker. He could feel the life draining out of him.

"Bring me Madi."

Bellamy wanted to object, he wanted to tell him that he was crazy, that he would never hurt her, but the black spots that clouded his vision were becoming darker, and the thought of dying without seeing his sister, or Clarke again, it filled him with terror.

He nodded and Sheidheda picked him up unceremoniously.

"Hold this." The man said roughly, pressing the cloth harder to his chest.

Bellamy took it in his hands, aware that a piece of cloth was the only thing keeping him attached to the mortal coil.

"Remember our deal." Sheidheda whispered.

The whole world went black.


Bellamy awoke in a room he didn't recognise; a distant beeping ringing in his ears.

He blinked, trying to clear the clouds from his vision.

"You're awake."

Bellamy turned his head to see Jackson staring down at him.

"I'm alive?" Bellamy's voice was rougher than he'd anticipated.

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