Bellarke season 4 AU- I don't wanna live without you

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*Clarke points a gun at Bellamy to save his life.. Cus that makes sense*
*jayledits breaking my heart above^^^*

She knew where he was going. It was so obvious. She knew the second he was free that he would open that door. Let Octavia and a thousand angry grounders in.

He would kill them all to save the girl he loved. His sister. More so his daughter than anything.

Bellamy had proved time and time again that he would die for the girl he raised.

Clarke couldn't let that happen.

She couldn't let Bellamy die.

She wouldn't.

Clarke was running through the bunker then, desperately toward the door.

She knew Bellamy wouldn't be far in front. If she could catch up to him maybe- just maybe she could convince him that it wasn't worth it.

That is was smarter to stay alive. To survive.

She fought the part of her, that wanted to help Bellamy. She knew how much pain he would be in if he lost his sister.

He was always watching her, even if from afar, caring for her, protecting her.

Clarke knew because she was always watching him. Doing the same.

Making alliances, accepting political positions, all so that she could make sure Bellamy Blake was saved.

All she wanted to do was to protect him.

"Bellamy, stop!" The word's flew out of her as she pushed through the door.

Bellamy was on the stairs, climbing toward the exit.

Clarke, without thinning had pulled her gun on him.

She could see the fear in his eyes.

"Clarke, what are you doing?" He gasped.

She looked closer. It wasn't fear in his eyes. It was betrayal.

She had only seen that look one other time.

When she refused to leave Lexa and follow Bellamy back to Arcadia.

She knew how it must have looked to Bellamy, that she was choosing Lexa over him.

But the exact opposite was true.

Everything she did- everything was to protect him.

"What I have to do." She cried.

"Like always."

Bellamy went to move then, trusting Clarke not to shoot.

She couldn't let him open that door.

He thought he was letting his sister in, but it was more likely that he was letting in a hoard that would murder him on site.

She shot the gun, haphazardly into the air.

Bellamy froze.

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