Bellarke Ark AU

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*there was no 100, the Ark found a way to survive. Clarke and Bellamy bond over the loss of a parent*
*video by Aux Pays Des Merveilles on youtube*

They let me out. I never thought they would.

It's like nothing ever happened here.

People wave nonchalantly at me. Like I hadn't been detained for a year. Like I hadn't seen my father murder before my very eyes.

Like over and over again this place hasn't found a way to ruin me.

I am walking back to my room when someone grabs me by the arm.

The familiar dark skin of the man's hand tips me off.

"What do you want Wells?" I spit.

My former best friend smiles sadly.

"I want to apologise Clarke." He says softly.

I used to love those brown eyes of his. So soft, so safe.

He was my best friend. I shut my eyes. It's all too much.

"For what exactly?" I bite.

"I didn't know they would lock you up." He admits.

"Lock me up?" I question, I'm losing it a little I can tell.

"They killed my father Wells. Because of you." I sob.

He reaches out to touch me.

"Back off!" I shout, everyone in the hall looks.

The poor convict girl, having a break down.

"Clarke." He says my name, and it has so much love in it, so much betrayal.

I snap, I push my fist as hard as I can into his nose.

I hear it snap sickeningly as I run down the hall.

No one peruses me, they're all too busy caring for Wells.

I run as far as I can, as fast as I can until I reach a set of stairs I've never seen.

I descend quickly, trying as hard as I can to see through the tears that stain my eyes.

I reach the bottom step, but miss it just.

Feeling myself fall, I scream.

Before I can hit the going a strong pair of tan arms catch me.

A boy, about 20 or so stares at me with shocked eyes.

They're brown, deep like Wells' and I have to look away.

"What're you doing down here?" He asks, his voice is rough, gravelly.

I notice the janitors uniform.

"I'm here for a job." I say sarcastically, moving out of the boy's warm arms.

He chuckles, his smile lighting up his face.

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