The 100 AU ending (part 1)- Bellarke and babies?!?

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*ravenisherebish bringing up a massive plot hole but also providing me with inspiration*
*While searching for supplies on Bardo, the survivors find the next generation of Bardoans, abandoned*
*Also Bellamy Blake is in this cus ofc it's a bellarke one-shot but also cus I refuse to believe he's dead*

"Medications? Crops? Weapons? Need I say more?" Clarke watched Murphy run his hand across his face impatiently. It felt like they had been going around in circles for hours.

"It's too dangerous." Bellamy's voice was stern, his hands turning white as he gripped the table beneath them.

Murphy, and pretty much everyone else wanted to go on an mission to retrieve supplies from Bardo, but Bellamy Blake was not having it.

"Dangerous? Bellamy, there's no one left." Raven's voice too portrayed her impatience.

"I'm not going back there." Bellamy's voice changed from anger to sadness. He swallowed hard.

"I'm not going back there and I'm not letting any of you either." He said adamantly before storming out of the tent.

She expected Echo or Octavia to move to comfort him, but she watched as their resolve remained steely.

Echo and Bellamy had broken up only days after they'd found out Bellamy was alive, she had called him a coward, a fool. Octavia felt the same, she couldn't understand how her once brave brother had been reduced to a puppet.

Clarke understood, and she had desperately wanted to tell him that, but with the murder attempt between them, it had seemed best that she give him space.

"No one's gunna go after him?" She looked around the group.

She remembered what it felt like to be the odd one out; the one everyone hated.

She stood hesitantly and followed Bellamy into the night air. It was getting cooler, she worried if they'd have the cabins up in time.

Clarke saw Bellamy then, skimming rocks across the water, or more accurately, throwing them angrily into the ocean.

She couldn't help but remember the last time they were against the waters edge, Clarke begging Bellamy to forgive her. How many times was too many?

"You okay?" Her voice came out weaker than expected.

Bellamy whipped his head around to look at her, laughing humourlessly.

"You talkin' to me?"

"Who else would I be talking to?"

"Maybe someone who didn't betray you, have you tortured, cause the death of your- Madi."

Clarke moved forward then, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Bellamy." She whispered.

Bellamy ached to place his hand atop hers but was paralysed by guilt.

"I was avoiding you- for you. I thought you'd hate me." She admitted.

Bellamy turned as if she'd slapped him.

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