Bellarke Modern AU- I was never yours and you were never mine

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*video by Delena fan girl on youtube*
*Clarke Griffin enters her dorm room for the first time to find an extremely gorgeous, shirtless man lying in her bed. Bellarke college AU*

Clarke Griffin rolled her suitcase into the elevator at approximately 8:36pm. Sure it was late to be moving into your dorm. But she had wanted to miss all of the hassle, all of the parents hugging there children goodbye, all of the confused faces, and bright eyes. All of the hope and goodwill.

Clarke shuttered as the elevator lurched upward.

If she was honest, it wasn't about the crowds. She was jealous.

Clarke had no one, not a single soul to bring her in today.

As soon as she turned 18 Clarke was kicked out of foster care, and as much as her most recent foster dad, Jacapo Sinclair, has promised her he would show up he hadn't.

Instead Clarke got a text at 10 telling her that he couldn't make it. He was meeting his knew foster kids.

So Clarke hadn't been able to face it.

She spent hours deciding whether or not she would really do this.

But anything, anything was better than the shelter she had been staying in for the past 2 weeks.

Without her scholarship it was likely that Clarke would end up homeless.

She sighed, the elevator door opening and the pounding of music instantly filling her ears.

"Great." She groaned.

Her hall was full of young adults, in fluro body paint, laughing and dancing with one another.

Clarke could think of nothing worse than having to introduce herself to everyone.

She put her head down and moved quickly across the hall and over to her room.

Number 283.

She pushed it open, shutting it quickly and pressing her head against the door.

Clarke tried to control her ragged breathing.

Crowds had always made her anxious, ever since...

She put it from her mind.

"Insufferable isn't it?" Clarke heard a male voice behind her.

She gasped, turning around to see a man lying shirtless across one of the two beds.

He smiled at her.

"I uhhh must have the wrong building I'm looking for the girl's dorms..." Clarke gasped, pulling the map form her pocket hastily.

"No, no, no, you're in the right place." The boy said, standing quickly and moving toward Clarke.

Clarke couldn't help but stare.

The boy was at least a head taller than her, he had this messy brown hair and a gorgeous smile.

"Can I ask what you're doing in my room then?" She whispered as he approached.

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