Bellarke 6x04 AU- Jealous Bellamy

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*Seeing Cillian with Clarke becomes a bit too much for Bellamy*
*6x04 spoilers*

*Seeing Cillian with Clarke becomes a bit too much for Bellamy**6x04 spoilers*

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^^^ inspiration for this chapter 😂***

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^^^ inspiration for this chapter 😂

Clarke Griffin made her way into the party. Lights danced around the room and music buzzed.

She never thought there would be a day that she could be free and happy like she was now.

She fiddled nervously with her dress. It had been a while since she had felt nice. Since she had felt clean and beautiful.

Bellamy has forgiven her today, and a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

She looked around the room for him then. Bellamy.

Maybe they could dance.

Maybe for once their relationship didn't have to be so serious, so all or nothing.

Maybe they could laugh together, like they used to.

Bellamy saw Clarke then, across the room.

She wore a blue dress and this huge smile.

Bellamy hadn't seen her look that happy since... well since he came back to Earth.

Bellamy watched as the Doctor approached her, holding his hand out to her.

He felt himself tense up.

The doctor grabbed Clarke's hand then, Bellamy could see Clarke shaking her head, her mouth forming the word no.

"She said no asshole." He murmured to himself, watching still as Clarke let herself be led onto the dance floor.

Bellamy watched the pair move with one another. He watched the grin on Clarke's face, her hands on the other man's body. He watched her laugh with him.

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