Bellarke Modern AU- I was never yours and you were never mine (Part two)

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*video by Anonymous x Song on YouTube proving how romantic season 6 was*
*back by verrryyy popular demand*
*Bellamy told Clarke he only wants her, but how will he break the heart of the girl he has known for years*
*Trigger warning: Mention of suicide and Mention of domestic violence*

"Just you." The words left Bellamy's lips in a desperate flurry.

It was like he had no control. The thought of this girl, his perfect mirror, seemingly his other half, leaving so soon. It broke him.

"You have a girlfriend." Clarke whispered, shutting her eyes.

She ran her thumb across the stubble on his cheek.

She'd only known him a day but Clarke felt as though she could draw him from memory.

She felt like she was meant to know him.

But he belonged to someone else.

Clarke didn't know how serious their relationship was- but she did know that Bellamy seemed like the type of man who didn't break a lot of hearts.

He sure looked like he would, towering over her with his dark dreamy eyes and his black tee clinging tightly to the muscles of his chest.

But Clarke sensed that he was terrified to hurt anyone.

"She's not you." Bellamy whispered. Clarke could feel his breath on her face.

"Maybe we could go somewhere." She replied, breathless watching as the elevator ticked down to the ground floor.

"To talk."

"We can go to my dorm." Bellamy suggested eagerly.

"My roommate is never there."

Clarke nodded, grabbing Bellamy's hand as the elevator doors opened and leading him into the foyer.

It was morning, and after the events of last night the place was all but empty.

The pair moved swiftly across the quad, Bellamy guiding Clarke.

They entered the bottom floor of the boy's dorm.

Bellamy led Clarke down the hall, stopping only once to ensure she was still following.

Once they arrived at the door, Bellamy leant down to unlock it.

Clarke had to laugh at the boy's hand, shaking with anticipation.

Once the door was finally unlocked, Bellamy pulled Clarke into the room desperately, pushing her up against the door to shut it.

Clarke kissed him back with equal verve, running her hands down his chest.

She gasped as his hand found its way into her pyjama pants.

"Okay, Okay reign it in. It was funny for a minute but I don't actually want to watch you two bone." A sarcastic voice chimed.

"Miller." Bellamy croaked, his voice breathless.

"The one and only." He laughed, standing from his desk.

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