Season 7 AU- Clarke and Bellamy go into the anamoly

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*Video by gtgrandom on youtube*
*Bellamy and Clarke go into the Anomaly and find more than they bargained for*
*inspired by the lovely TrudyRamey *

"No." The words came out harsher than Clarke intended. Bellamy had just told her that he was going into the Anomaly- after Octavia.

She could see the desperation. The hurt in the boy's eyes.

She knew no matter what that he was going after her.

"Clarke I..." Bellamy was at a loss for words.

Just a few days ago he had convinced himself to let go of his sister. Convinced himself that she wasn't his responsibility anymore.

He thought he could be happy with her gone, but seeing her disappear from his arms, screaming her name to no reply.

He knew he needed to get her back.

"I know. I know there's nothing I can say that will make you stay." Clarke admitted.

"Everything you have ever done is for your sister."

She took the boy's hands in her own.

"You wouldn't be the Bellamy I- you wouldn't be Bellamy Blake if you didn't go after her."

Bellamy could see it in Clarke's eyes. He knew she intended to go with him.

"And you wouldn't be Clarke Griffin if you didn't follow me into almost certain death." He laughed, squeezing Clarke's hands nervously.

"How did you know?" Clarke chuckled, shaking her head.

Bellamy sighed, long and heavy, looking out over Sanctum.

He had only returned to camp for a second to get supplies for his journey, but when he saw Clarke he knew he couldn't leave without saying goodbye.

"Sometimes I think I know you better than I know myself." He admitted.

Clarke followed his gaze. She knew that he was desperate to leave right now, to wander into the Anomaly in the darkness just to find his sister.

"Yeah." She whispered.

"Me too."


The pair took off at dawn. Of course Echo objected, she wanted to join them, but Bellamy placated her, saying that he couldn't lose someone else he loved.

He wasn't sure if Echo believed him, but it was enough to get her to stay behind.

If he was honest, he didn't want her there.

It became very apparent during their argument that she didn't understand his relationship with Octavia at all.

Clarke, however, did.

That paired with the fact that Clarke would never let him go by himself meant that he was walking through the woods with her instead of Echo.

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