5x12 AU- Clarke saves Bellamy

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*we interrupt your regularly scheduled programming cus fulFILMent is back at it again with the feels*

The words rung in Clarke's ears.

He's not dead Clarke.

Echo's words, said with such bite, but brought her such happiness.

She had thought that that one bad decision would haunt her forever.

She thought she'd been doomed to an eternity where she had killed the man she loved.

That's right, she loved him.

She had loved him since Primefaya.

She knew he loved her then. He wouldn't have left otherwise.

He followed her last wish, despite how much it hurt him.

Leaving her behind had been the most selfless thing he had ever done.

But he had mourned her, he had had 6 years to let her go, and Echo was there with comforting arms, and a great bod to boot.

She couldn't compare.

Echo was this stone cold bombshell.

Clarke wasn't.

She was a mother now, and she had left him behind to dis.

She was now resigned to the fact that he would never love her as she loved him.

"Go save him." Clarke instructed Echo, her voice shaking.

Echo nodded, and ran out the door.

Madi remained.

"Clarke," She whimpered.

"Madi, go." There were tears in her eyes now.

"You love him." She whispered, stepping forward.

"No, Madi- I" Clarke stuttered.

"I have your memories Clarke, from when the flame was in your head. There was a reason your mom threatened his life first, there was a reason you clung to him, trusted him." She said seriously, her blue eyes shining.

"Lexa knows too." Madi whimpered.

Clarke heart broke.

The girl she loved was gone, just a voice in Madi's head now.

"What does she say about him?" Clarke asked, her voice breaking.

"She says you used to look at her like that." Madi replied.

Clarke shut her eyes, and shook her head.

"She says that you shouldn't waste your time wondering. She did that, and she was taken from you too soon. Don't make the same mistake with Bellamy." Madi explained.

"I can't..." Clarke cried.

Madi reaches forward touching Clarke's arm.

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