SkyKru+Clarke- a happy ending

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Clarke Griffin looked out over Earth. There was only one patch of green left. Some days, she couldn't believe they had made it, she couldn't believe she had gotten back in time, she couldn't believe they had survived again. Some nights she would wake up and completely forget where she was. On those nights though, Bellamy Blake lay right beside her, ready and willing to remind her that they were alive.

She remembered the night that they had almost died. She could still feel the burning of her lungs as they clung to the diminishing oxygen. She could feel Bellamy's hand in her own, see the tears in his eyes.

I'm so sorry.

He couldn't speak, but Clarke could see him mouth the words.

I love you.

Clarke had written it off, his deathbed confession. They had all been emotional, scared. She hadn't truly believed he loved her.

How could he? She was a broken, horrible evil mess of a person.

But one night Bellamy had snuck into her room, wringing his hands nervously, more nervous than Clarke had ever seen him.


His voice was so gentle she feared something terrible had happened.

What's wrong?

Nothing. I- I need to say this.

I meant it. Last week when I told you I loved you I meant it. I couldn't die without telling you.

Clarke had thrown herself at the boy, kissing him how she had wished she could for all the years they'd known each other.

The memory made Clarke smile.

"Hey Princess." There was a soft raspy voice in her ear, and a pair of hands slipped around her waist gently.

"Whatcha thinking about?" He whispered. It amazed Clarke that after all this time, almost 6 years that the sound of Bellamy's voice so near to her made her heart race.

"Earth." She sighed, turning around and pulling him to her.

Bellamy had always loved the way she fit so perfectly against him.

"Do you think we'll ever make it back?" She asked, her hope waning with every passing day after the five year mark.

There was so much that she wanted to tell her mom. That Bellamy wanted to tell his sister.

Bellamy stayed silent. He didn't know, if he were honest. Monty and Raven had been working day and night on the fuel problem but still- nothing.

"Will Jake have to grow up like we did? Knowing nothing but these metal walls?"

Bellamy's heart ached.

Jake, their son, almost 3 years old now. Beginning to understand his life, beginning to understand that they were trapped.

"No," Bellamy took Clarke by the shoulders.

"I won't let that happen." He reassured her.

Clarke felt relief, even if momentarily, Bellamy Blake knew how to make everything better.

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