Cellmates AU- part 3 (the ground and all it's wonders)

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*Video by morgan elizabeth on youtube*

*The 3rd and final part of the Cellmates AU*

The ground was not what Clarke Griffin had expected.

Sure, some of her dreaded the fact that it could still be a desolate wasteland and they could die upon touching the ground...

But most of her hoped and prayed that they could start a life down here.

All of them.

It had been two months since the 100 had landed on the ground and things were running less than smoothly.

Bellamy had told Clarke about Jaha, and though she was shocked, she wasn't angry. If anything she felt a tinge of happiness.

The bastard that killed her Dad was dead.

Aside from the personal problem of Jaha, the camp was chaotic.

People left everyday, trying to ditch, to find food on their own.

90% of them turned up dead or missing a limb.

Clarke had some medical knowledge, but this was putting her to the test.

She missed her mom.

She snuggled into Bellamy's chest.

A tear ran down her cheek.

She sobbed.

"Clarke?" She heard Bellamy's raspy voice ask into the darkness.

She felt his arms tighten around her.

She couldn't speak. She couldn't make him deal with her emotions on top of everything else.

"Clarke?" He said again, his voice tinged with worry.

He leant over reaching to turn on the torch that served as their only light.

Clarke heard the button click and the whole room became illuminated.

Bellamy looked at the girl, she was crying, but so beautiful as the light danced across her face and into her hair.

He pulled her into a tight hug without saying a word.

"Clarke." He said after a moment.

If she was honest, Clarke could listen to him say her name forever.

She grasped him tightly too afraid to lose someone else.

"What's wrong?" He whispered, pressing his lips to her forehead.

"I miss my Mom." She whimpered, her voice soft and childlike.

"Me too." Bellamy whispered, tears in his eyes now.

Clarke sat up with a start.

"Bellamy I'm so sorry." She said, realizing how far she'd managed to stuff her foot in her mouth.

Bellamy was a puddle of tears now. He was sobbing, the thought of his mother triggering memories he wished he could forget.

"She would be ashamed... of... me!" He cried loudly.

Clarke pulled the boy desperately into her arms.

"I'm so sorry Bell. I'm an idiot." She chided quietly.

Bellamy looked up at her, as she wiped the tears from his eyes and kissed his mouth softly.

"It's not your fault." He said, his voice strained.

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