Season 7 AU- Pregnancy Part 2

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*gracieon. on youtube proving that even before season 6 Bellarke was boppin*
*Bellamy vows to by Clarke's side, but things become complicated*

Clarke Griffin's palms were slick with sweat as she walked toward the infirmary. She didn't know how or why Bellamy was still holding her hand, surely he'd noticed by now. She looked up at him, and he down at her, the small smile on his face, so reassuring told her he didn't care.

Despite that though, she pulled her hand from his, wiping it on her jeans quickly.

"Nervous?" Bellamy asked, his voice was so gentle and though Clarke generally hated being pitied, she felt comforted by it.

"A little." Clarke breathed, closing her eyes. She couldn't make her legs move any further.

In a matter of minutes it would be confirmed that she was pregnant. That she was going to be a mother. Of course she already knew. Jackson had already told her, but seeing it. That was different. Once she saw it, it would be real.

"Clarke." Bellamy placed his hands on Clarke's arms, rubbing them gently.

"We gotta keep moving." He told her in earnest.

"I know, I know I just..." Clarke trailed off.

"You're scared." Bellamy replied.

Clarke opened her eyes to look at him.

"It's okay to be scared. I know for so long you had to pretend not to be. But it is okay." He reassured her.

"I'm just... freaking out." Clarke laughed, breathily.

"Do we need to sit down for a minute?"

"No." Clarke steeled herself, taking Bellamy by the hand again.

"Let's go."


"Okay, Clarke..." Jackson thought aloud as he ran the wand across Clarke's stomach.

"From the looks of things you're only about 8 or 9 weeks along. Does that sound right?"

Clarke couldn't force herself to speak. She nodded.

"Okay good." He smiled, eyeing Bellamy strangely.

"So I'd like to see you again in two weeks and every month after that until later on." He explained, wiping the gel off of Clarke's stomach.

Clarke felt like she could finally breathe again, releasing her vice grip on Bellamy's hand.

"Ah sweet circulation." The joked, shaking his hand.

Despite herself, Clarke laughed. Bellamy always has a way of making her smile, even in the worst situations.

She remembered Unity Day, so long ago now. She remembered joking with him, laughing with him. It was the first time in a long time she'd felt hope.

"Thanks, Jackson." She smiled, exiting the room quickly.

Bellamy hung back awkwardly, watching Jackson as he packed away his equipment.

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