Bellarke 6x06 AU- Tell me something only Clarke would know

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*Based on this post from @peterstarksson tumblr*
*6x06 spoilers*
*Clarke has to prove to Bellamy that she has beaten Josephine*
* Literally breaking my heart: *

Clarke Griffin woke with a start. But she wasn't lying on an operating table anymore. Lightbourne wasn't looming over her with the threat of death. Instead she was back on the Arc. In her cell.

She shook her head, trying to clear it. Trying to wake herself from the dream.

She was still there.

She looked to the walls. The images that were once of the ground, of animals and trees and her family were replaced, with memories of her life on the ground.

Clarke saw her mom, Finn... she stopped in her tracks. Lexa. God she missed her.

For a while she never thought she'd love again: that Lexa was it.

But now she saw another image.

One that made her want to fight. To escape from this sleep.

She saw an image of Bellamy Blake staring back at her.


"Bellamy." The words left her mouth before she could stop them.

It echoed through the room, bouncing off the walls of her cold cell.

She remembered what it was like in here. To be confined to a room, with nothing but your thoughts to keep you company.

As if conjured by the words, a woman appeared in front of her.

She was a young girl, with blonde hair and a deviant smile.

"Josephine." Clarke knew somehow that this was the girl that was trying to steal her body.

"Clarke." The girl grinned, approaching her slowly.

"What do you want?" Clarke gasped.

Josephine's face was only inches away from Clarke's now. She could feel her hot breath on her face.

"I want you out." She hissed.

"Out of my own head?" Clarke breathed, shutting her eyes and trying to fight her.

"It's my head now." The girl insisted.

Clarke's eyes were forced open and she watched as Josephine clicked.

Images disappeared from the walls.

Finn, Monty, Harper and Wells. All people she had lost. But she couldn't make herself feel sad.

Clarke realised that Josephine was taking her memories.

"Like hell it is." She whispered, slamming her head forward into Josephine's.

The girl stumbled backward, cursing angrily.

"Bitch!" she exclaimed, grabbing Clarke by the throat and throwing her against the wall.

Clarke cried out, watching as the pictures of her mother and father disappeared from the walls.

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