Bellarke Modern AU- "I'm an idiot"

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*video by okayheda on youtube*
*Bellamy and Clarke were together for years, now that they've broken up, is there anything that can bring them back together?*

Clarke Griffin stared at the empty mug, placed on the edge of the sink as if it was taunting her.

She stared as if... perhaps if she looked long enough, the owner would materialise to claim it.

She knew that not to be true, but still, she couldn't stand the thought that Bellamy Blake was gone for good.

Clarke picked up the glass.

'Best dad in the universe'

She couldn't help but laugh to herself.

Octavia has gotten it for him, when he and Clarke had been accepted to intern at NASA the summer of their senior year.

They had both been ecstatic, and Octavia had been the proudest she had ever seen her, except of course when the pair were accepted in university, Clarke studying to be a surgeon for NASA and Bellamy an engineer.

Clarke set the mug down gently, as if it may break in her hands.

She had to close her eyes to force the memory away.

"Clarke I... I don't understand I thought you loved me?"

Bellamy's broken voice in her ears.

She pressed her head to the cool counter top in her kitchen.

"I love you more than I ever thought I could love a person. Since my mom died you have been... a guiding light. I'd be lost without you would you do me the honour of being my wife?"

"Enough!" Clarke screamed, throwing the mug against the wall, she watched as it shattered into tiny pieces.

"Fuck." She swore to herself, getting down on her knees and scraping the jagged pieces into her hand.

"You ruin everything, Clarke." She whispered to herself.



Bellamy sat with one hand wrapped around a bottle of whiskey and the other wrapped around a little black box.

He had saved every last one of his tips for 6 months to save up.

He had taken extra shifts, pulled all nighters despite trying to pass his degree.

He wanted to marry her so bad, to be with her forever, he couldn't understand why she didn't want the same.

Bellamy took a long deep drink from the bottle. The burn in the back of his throat was almost enough to make him forget. But he couldn't.

"Bellamy," Clarke said, her voice anguished, as she knelt down to be level to him.

"We're so young. We have so much going on right now, so much to focus on, so many big dreams. I don't think it's the right idea for us to get married now." She told him.

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