Bellarke 6x03 AU- "I can't lose you again."

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*Clarke wants to go after Madi, but Bellamy can't stand the thought of her getting hurt again*
*6x03 spoilers*

"Madi is on the transport ship."

Abbey's words made Clarke feel numb.

Her daughter, the girl she had raised for 6 years was now in life threatening danger.

It was times like this that she whispered Skykru had never come back. That Wonkru had never risen from the Earth.

She wished it could be just her and Madi, staring up at the stars, sat atop the rover. Clarke telling the girl stories about her life.

"What!" Clarke exclaimed.

Memories of Madi surfaced. Clarke couldn't stop it.

"And the Princess held the sword to the knights throat. She had to stop him, from opening the gates to the castle and endangering them all. But she couldn't. The knight had been by her side, led with her, fought with her as long as she could remember. Killing him would be like killing a part of herself." Clarke stroked Madi's hair as she told her a bedtime story.

It was a year after Primefaya, and the girl was too young yet to know that all of this was real.

"Did the princess love the knight?" Madi asked, blue eyes staring up at Clarke so innocently.

Clarke felt like she had been hit in the chest.

"Yeah baby girl." She whispered, kissing the girl on the forehead.

"She did."

Clarke was ejected from the memory. She couldn't lose Madi.

"You woke her?" She demanded.

"Shh." A strangled sound escaped Abbey.

Clarke sighed, her palms were slick with sweat.

How could she save Madi?

"Nevermind." She conceded.

"Raven will fly the ship, but we're going tod.." Clarke was interrupted by Raven.

"Didn't realise you were the one giving orders again Clarke." She said, bitterly.

As much as Clarke understood the pain of losing someone she loved.

She couldn't rationalise Raven dissent in her mind.

She couldn't imagine a world where Raven wouldn't fight to save a young girl.

Just as Sinclair had saved her.

"Fine." Sanctum's leader spoke authoritatively.

"Chose your most disposable people, it's time to go." He instructed.

Clarke stepped forward. It didn't matter how risky it was. She wasn't going to stop until she got Madi back.

Bellamy watched as Clarke stepped toward Lightbourne.

A knot formed in his stomach.

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