Bellarke Modern AU- Clarke is Octavia's nurse

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*LovedSammy breakin my heart above^^^*
*Fresh out of school and on her first rotation at a new hospital Nurse Clarke meets Octavia Blake, a 12 year old girl with leukemia and her older brother who is just tryna keep his head above water*

"She hasn't been eating. No appetite at all. I leave for work in the morning and when I come back at night she hasn't eaten at all. I think that's probably why she fainted." Bellamy Blake told their doctor, Dr Lee, that they'd been seeing since Octavia had been diagnosed.

They were in the hospital for the second time this week. First it was the nose bleeds, and now she'd passed out on her way to Chemotherapy.

"Could be." The doctor said, staring down at her notes.

"I wanna run some more tests just to be sure. We'll have to postpone chemo until we're sure there's nothing else going on." She explained to him, shutting her clipboard.

She looked at the boy, deep bags under his eyes. It was an impossible situation.

Bellamy had jus turned 22 when their mom died, and so legally he was Octavia's guardian.

People had tried to convince him to put her in foster care, until he was older, until he had a steady job but he wouldn't listen. He left university, sold their childhood home and he and the girl moved into a one bedroom apartment close the city.

He was devoted to her, completely.

Then the cancer showed up. A once lively Octavia Blake replaced with a very sick young girl.

"You should get some sleep, Bellamy." She told him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Oh no. I should be getting to work anyway, they'll be wondering where I am. I already had to take a half day to be here- I don't wanna give them a reason to fire me."

Her heart broke for the boy.

Working two jobs and raising such a sick girl.

As she watched him leave, Dr Lee was reminded why she didn't believe in a god.

Because what person, what cruel being would condemn a boy who just lost his mother, to raise his sick sister.

She waved him off and for the first time in her long career, she had to hold back tears.


"I know it's your first day here, but there's a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it." Nurse Green let out a breathy laugh as he led Clarke Griffin around the children's ward.

"The kids that can eat, eat at 6. And after that it's medications and then bed by 8 unless instructed otherwise by a doctor. Until then we check each room every hour. Any patients that need extra care are written on the board and we're all assigned one. We've given you an easy one today." He said, stopping in front of a door.

"Octavia Blake, 12 years old diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia 2 months ago. Was meant to receive chemotherapy today but lost consciousness on the way here and was admitted through emergency. Her guardian seems to think it was because of her loss of appetite but Doctor Lee wants some bloods done to be sure. Do you think you can manage?"

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