Bellarke modern AU- Give me a chance

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*you asketh and you shall recieveth*
*Bellamy means big business, Clarke just wants to save her farm*
*shout out to Nayou2007 for this one! Might use it again in the future 😉*
Just some little style icons if you're into that type of thing.

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****trigger warning: mentions of abuse****

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*trigger warning: mentions of abuse*

The letter fell from Clarke's hand and landed at her feet.

How could she do this?

How could her mother, the one person that was supposed to love and care for her, sell the land from beneath her very feet?

How could she sell the land they buried her father on?

How could she look at this beautiful, sweeping landscape, these trees, the animals that Clarke grew up with- how could she look at them and put a worth on them?

Clarke looked at the cheque.

She suddenly knew.

Clarke had never seen a number that big in all her life.

Some 'Blake industries' wanted to buy the land and turn it in to god knows what.

Clarke had a sneaking feeling it wouldn't be a wind farm.

It was more likely that her animals would be killed and that this earth she'd grown up on would be dug up in search of oil.

A tear escaped Clarke's eye, falling onto the letter.

The tear smudged the ink of the Blake industries logo.

Who did this guy think he was?

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