Bellarke 6x05- Bring her back!

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*Bellamy realises that Clarke isn't Clarke. How will her get her back?*
*6x05 spoliers*
*disclaimer: I know this probably would never work/happen but a girl can dream*
*kinda inspired by the Host. If you've seen it you'll recognize the similarity*


"Clarke!" Bellamy called his best friend's name desperately.

He couldn't believe that she could condone this. This life, these people, their whole society was founded upon murder.

"Everything okay?" She replied.

In the past few days, since the party, since... Cillian, she had been awfully short with him.

"Get rid of her." He said in Trigedasleng, determined not to alert the guard.

"I need to talk to you alone." He continued.


Clarke looked at him, unsure for a moment. He wondered what could possibly be going through her head.

"Give us a minute." She told her guard.

The woman didn't budge.

"Fine," Clarke huffed, "we'll go in here." She said, leading Bellamy inside.

Clarke shut the door behind her. The two were now alone.

Bellamy ran his hand across his face, trying to figure out the right words to say.

How do you say: I've always trusted your judgement, but this is wrong?

How do you say: I've forgiven you, for everything but you're making the wrong choice?

How do you say: this isn't the Clarke I know?

"Where were you going?" He asked, carefully.

"To see my mother." She replied without a beat.

"What's wrong?" She deflected.

"Why are we on different sides of this?" Bellamy whispered.

They had been on different sides before, but they had always found their way back to one another. It was exactly what they needed to do now.

"I know how they survive seems harsh, but from what I've seen these people are happy." Clarke explained.

Bellamy still couldn't believe it.

He couldn't believe that the girl that wiped out Mount Weather would think that this is okay.

"Their world works." She continued.

"We destroyed ours." She said, solemnly.

Bellamy knew that the ground had become hers and Madi's home in the six years he was away. He knew how hard it must have been to see it destroyed.

"This isn't about us." He whispered.

They couldn't think about the past anymore, about Earth. It was literal centuries ago.

Bellamy wouldn't let himself go back.

He wanted to be a better man than he was there.

"So we can judge them but not ourselves?" Clarke bit.

Bellamy knew then. Something deep inside him, some primal instinct told him that this wasn't Clarke. His Clarke.

He didn't want to believe it.

"You know I judge myself everyday." He said softly. You do too. He wanted to tell her.

"But do you want to know the difference between us and them?" He asked in Trigedasleng, approaching 'Clarke' slowly.

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