"Just say what you wanna say" - 6x09 AU

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*because the baiting isn't over until the writers say it's over 😭*

Bellamy watched as the guards left the cave, taking his once chance to save Clarke with them.

He heard them talk into the radio. Maybe, just maybe this gamble would pay off. Maybe he would get her back.

"Radios don't work on this moon, how could they not know that?" He asked Josephine.

It still hurt to look at her. Hurt to see Clarke, but not his Clarke.

"They work in one place." Josephine replied, thrusting her head back against the stone.

Clarke was never so dramatic, so blatant with her feelings.

She hid them to protect others.

The contradiction hurt him.

"What is it?" He asked worriedly, every second they stay chained up here was one second closer to Clarke's death.

He couldn't even consider it. Going through that pain a third- and final time.

It would break him.

"If they're calling him," the girl hesitated. "That means he's alive." She sighed.

Bellamy flinched, when Josephine was sad, the lilt in her voice, the raspiness, it reminded him of Clarke.

"I need you."

Bellamy turned away.

"What's the deal with you two?" He asked, desperate to change the subject.

"What? Are we gunna be friends now?" Josephine snipped.

"Doubtful." Bellamy replied without a second thought.

"I've been in love with Gabriel for 236 years." Josephine admitted.

Bellamy was confronted with a memory.



That was the last time he'd been truly happy, seeing her, after all that time had passed, knowing that they could do anything together.

"The last 70 of which he's been trying to kill me." She continued.

Bellamy nodded curtly, trying to hold back tears.

"You know- relationships." She joked.

Bellamy couldn't help but feel like it was a stab at him.

Josephine's hand started moving then, without her knowledge or will, but she saw something change in Bellamy's eyes, in his demeanour. He was looking at someone he loved.

Josephine looked down at her hand then.

"Morse code huh?" Josephine sighed.

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