Bellarke season 3 AU- This isn't real

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*Amazing video by trl748 on youtube*
*Abbey forces Bellamy to take the key in order to save Clarke's life*

Bellamy Blake had known fear. His whole life had seemed like one big nightmare. And though nothing had changed on the ground, he thought things may get better after they defeated the mountain men.

But they got worse. And they kept getting worse.

Bellamy shut his eyes as the cool metal of a handgun pressed against his forehead.

He didn't even remember how he ended up here. Bowing in front of Abbey Griffin. Fearing his death by a woman he thought he could trust.

"How about now?" Abbey's voice was cool and clinical as she turned to Clarke Griffin. The girl knelt across from him, fighting against her restraints.

"Please, Mom, don't do this." She cried.

"There is a simple way for all of this to end." Abbey sighed, pressing the gun harder against Bellamy's skin.

"Take the key."

"Clarke don't!" Bellamy shouted despite his fear.

His life wasn't worth it.

Abbey forced Bellamy to his feet then, pressing the gun against his neck.

"A brave knight," she mocked, throwing him down closer to Clarke. So close that the girl could reach out and grab his bound hands with hers.

"By his queen's side."

"Promise me you won't do it. Even if she kills me. Clarke, our people need you." He whispered, his eyes pleading.

"I can't. I can't lose you." Clarke was crying, tears streaming down her face.

Abbey still had the gun pressed against Bellamy's head. Clarke couldn't fathom how the key had made her mother evil. No, that wasn't the right word. She was clinical.

She knew the exact right buttons to push within people. She knew that Clarke couldn't live without Bellamy.

"How do I know you won't have me hurt myself and convince Bellamy to take the key once I have." Clarke questioned, desperately searching for any humanity left in her mother's eyes.

She found none.

"I'll give you my word. Bellamy will be free to leave."

"Clarke, don't." The boy begged once more.

"So brave." Abbey remarked, removing the gun from the boy's temple.

"What about now?"

Abbey pointed the gun at Clarke's thigh, shooting her quickly.

Bellamy heard a scream, it sounded far away, like he was dreaming or hallucinating. He couldn't believe Abbey would do this.

"Ah, god." Clarke clutched her leg as blood poured from the wound.

"What is wrong with you!" Bellamy screamed.

"She'll be fine." Abbey smiled.

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