Bellarke Modern AU- Life Guard

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*Fanart by LauraMagò on Twitter*
*Because what's more romantic than CPR*
*Trigger warning: drowning, resuscitation*

Clarke Griffin sat amongst the sandy towels and beach bags, watching as her friends ran toward the ocean. She hadn't known why she'd agreed to come to the beach with them, or why she'd stayed. She hated open water, the vast endlessness of it. She felt lost and trapped all at the same time- and yet there she sat, running her fingers through the sand.

They had just graduated high school, and though everyone else was celebrating, Clarke found herself still deciding what she wanted from life.

If she were honest, she never thought she'd make it this far. After her father died she didn't see herself living til 15 let alone 18. Now she was faced with a dilemma- nothing filled her with passion. Nothing made her want to get out of bed in the morning. How was she supposed to decide what to do with her life?

"Clarke." Her best friend Wells, threw himself down beside her, the salt water still dripping from his hair.

"Wells." She regarded him sarcastically.

He laughed.

"Why're aren't you out there with us?" He asked gently, watching her play distractedly in the sand.

"I had some reading I wanted to catch up on. With final exams I haven't had the time." She lied.


"Wells." She warned,

"You know why." She admitted.

"This is about your Dad?" He asked.

"Isn't everything." She laughed sadly.

"Clarke, you know he loved the ocean and the waves. He wouldn't want you to be afraid." Wells offered.

"It killed him, Wells. He drowned. So you can't tell me not to be afraid." She whimpered.

"Clarke, please. I don't want you to waste your whole life being afraid." He begged.

Clarke stared steely eyed at the ocean.

"How about we go into the shallowest part, just to get our feet wet?" He asked.

Clarke couldn't build up the courage to say the words. Instead she just nodded. She wouldn't spend her life afraid. Wells was right.

She stood on shaky legs, taking Wells' hand in her own as he led her down the beach.

At the shoreline she hesitated, her toes inches from the water.

"It's not gunna hurt you, I promise." Wells told her.

Clarke nodded again, taking one step, than another. Maybe this wasn't so bad. The water was cool and refreshing against her skin. The tide was low and the waves rolled smoothly through. It was a perfect day.

Clarke was feeling brave. She ventured further and further into the water, encouraged by the calls from her friends. None of them were scared- why should she be?

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