Bellarke 6x10 AU- That night in the tent

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Bellamy Blake sat watching Clarke Griffin sleep. In any other circumstance he would have called himself out for being a creep, watching her so intently, but this was different.

Now he watched for the rise and fall of her chest, savouring every breath she took.

She had died today.


He wasn't sure if the reality had hit him yet.

He felt like if he thought about it for too long; the image of her limp against the table, her skin pale, he might go insane.

He basically already had.

When he thought Josephine had killed Clarke he was devastated. No. There needed to be a stronger word for it.

He felt as though his whole life was over, like he would never feel happiness or peace ever again.

He was thrust back to those nights on the ring, curled over with grief, screaming Clarke's name as they all pretended not to listen.

They knew, all of them.

They knew that Bellamy had lost the love of his life.

"Can't sleep?" Clarke's raspy voice brought him back from his thoughts.

He looked at her, the girl sat on the edge of the bed, staring up at him. Moonlight from the window shone on her hair. God he was in love with her.

If only there was some way to be with her that didn't involve breaking the heart of the woman that stuck by him for 3 long years. 3 years of waking up with nightmares, 3 years of tearing up even at the mention of Clarke's name. For 3 years she loved a man who loved someone else and she did it well.

But now was no different.

Nothing had changed.

Except the fact that Clarke was back. The woman he loved was in reach.

But he was terrified to reach for her.

He had in the past. He tried to get her to leave Lexa, to return with him to their family. But she had denied him, breaking his heart in the process.

"Just uh- making sure you're okay." He said, his voice gruff.

Clarke smiled at him. Even the upright quirks of her lips could send his heart a flutter.

"I'm okay. Thanks to you. You deserve rest." She told him honestly.

She knew that Bellamy saved her today, that it was his determination that saved her life.

Everyone else had given up on her. But never Bellamy.

"I don't think I could if I tried." Bellamy admitted, clutching the base of the chair tightly.

"Every time I close my eyes I see..." Tears began to form in Bellamy's eyes then, as he thought about losing her again.

"Hey." Clarke whispered, moving over to him and pulling him into a gentle hug.

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