Take me to her - Bellarke Ark AU

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*post by andnowyourehome on tumblr*
*The backstory we deserved*

Clarke Griffin poured over her textbooks. She was determined to graduate straight into medicine.

There was a demand for doctors right now, and so few interested students. Her class had 8 students, and they were only in their first year.

Clarke sighed.

It felt as if her life could only go one way.

Find someone to marry. Have one child. Work as a doctor until she dies.

She stood, moving into the bathroom and splashing her face with cold water.

"Focus, Griffin." She mumbled to herself.

A soft knock on the door distracted her for a moment, and she moved toward it.

Clarke opened the door quickly, peering around the edge to view her unexpected visitor.

Bellamy Blake stood before her, a crooked smile on his stupidly beautiful face.

"Hey Princess." He said, charismatically.

"Wanna go for a walk?" He asked.

Clarke smiled.

Bellamy was the only thing in her life that excited her.

They had been together almost a year now, and it was still thrilling to be with him.

"I have to study Bell." Clarke sighed, pressing her face against the doorframe and pouting playfully.

Bellamy's face fell suddenly.

Clarke looked at him worriedly.

She could read his face like a book.

"It can wait." Clarke insisted, slipping out of the room and taking Bellamy's hand.

Bellamy's face didn't look anymore relieved.

"Are you okay?" Clarke whispered, as they moved across the sky deck.

"I need to tell you something. And it's bad." Bellamy choked.

Clarke's worry escalated.

Bellamy was always so confident. Clarke had never seen him this nervous.

"Are you breaking up with me?" Clarke gasped, gripping Bellamy's hand tighter.

Bellamy looked aghast.

He took her other hand, holding both of them and facing her.

"No. Never. It's not about you. You're- perfect. It's about me. My family. It's... just- easier if I show you." Bellamy insisted.

Clarke followed him worriedly, as he led her toward his room.

Clarke was reminded of the hundreds of times she had snuck out after curfew to see him.

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