Season 1 AU- mistake

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*Clarke cheats on Finn one drunken night, but when she finds herself pregnant she is forced to get along with the man she thought she hated*

*takes place during season 1, after Unity day, however the attack on the 100 never happened*

Clarke Griffin hadn't tasted alcohol until she landed on Earth.

She hadn't felt the hum of moonshine in her veins until that night with Finn and Wells.

Then though, she was trying to wash away her sorrows, to tonight, Clarke was determined to have some fun. Before the grounders came.

Clarke knew that tomorrow could be there last day, and she didn't intend to waste it, feeling sorry for herself because of Finn.

He had said he loved her, but he loved Raven too. He loved her first.

They were family.

Clarke had seen Bellamy earlier in the night, and as much as she hated to admit it, the more she drank the cuter he got.

She'd known he was attractive, the parade of girls fawning over him told her that.

But she'd never seen him that way until now.

She stood, and for a moment the world spun around her.

The heat from the campfire was making it hard to breathe.

She needed to escape for a minute.

Clarke stumbled into the forest.

She let the cool air wash over her.

Looking up at stars, she remembered the Ark. 

She screamed as loud as she could, for as long as she could. 

The night was silent for a moment, before a boy tore through the trees. 

Bellamy Blake stood before her brandishing a homemade spear. 

"Jesus Griffin!" He exclaimed. 

"I thought someone was being murdered." He gasped, trying to pull the cool air in and out of her lungs. 

"Sorry." Clarke gulped, tears stun her eyes. 

It was Unity Day, and the memory of her dad, and her old life were drowning her. 

"Woah." Bellamy chuckled nervously. 

"It's okay, I'm not mad." He reassured her. 

"I know..." She began, her voice thick. 

"I just..." She was crying then. 

Bellamy dropped his weapon, instinctively pulling her girl into a tight hug. 

He noticed begrudgingly that she smelt of moonshine. 

"Clarke?" He questioned softly. 

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