Bellarke AU- "You say her name in your sleep"

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*video by chainssaw on youtube*

Echo lay against a soft, cotton pillow. It felt so unfamiliar to sleep where one was safe and comfortable.

The last time she had felt comfort in rest was on the Ark, but that was 125 years ago now.

She had just been woken from cryo-sleep, and the reunion she had planned, had dreamt about for a century was not going as she had hoped.

Bellamy had woken her, hugged her and given her a chaste kiss.

He then proceeded to tell her that they needed to rest, for they were exploring the new world tomorrow.

She had received no comfort for the loss of Monty or Harper, people she considered friends after 6 years.

She also thought it ridiculous that they should sleep after being forcefully rested for over 100 years.

So Echo lay staring at the ceiling, wondering if the Bellamy Blake that lay next to her was still the Bellamy Blake that loved her.

She knew how he had felt about Clarke.

She saw him after Clarke's "death", a mess of bourbon and tears.

It took three, almost four years for Bellamy to let Echo in.

At first it had been a string of meaningless flings, something to pass the time, to stop them both from ending it all from boredom or sadness or hopelessness.

But as time progressed, Bellamy began to spend the night in Echo's bed, and in the morning she would wake up with him beside her.

He had confided in her about Clarke, the girl he had loved and lost.

The one that got away, the lips he never got to touch, the heart he never got to hold.

Clarke's death had broken him.

"Nothing is going to change in the ground."

What a laughable sentiment, as if she was anything more than a placeholder, something for Bellamy to do while he got over Clarke.

But then suddenly, Clarke was alive again, a miracle.

Echo saw Bellamy's face when he found out.

Pure shock, relief, bliss, confusion, fear, guilt.

More emotion, in a flicker of a second, then Bellamy had ever shown Echo.

Echo was the first to say I love you.

Something she had never said to anyone else.

But it came out, in a moment of weakness, a moment of ecstasy.

From then on, they were more than lovers, the were together.

Echo thought that nothing could change that, until now.

"Clarke." Echo heard Bellamy's voice, so soft and brittle in sleep.

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