Season 4 AU- nightblood baby

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* video by ilonaxx on youtube*

*Bellamy and Clarke are nightbloods, expecting a baby alone on a planet with no help*

Clarke Griffin felt like most mothers did when she realized she was pregnant. Terrified. 

Clarke however, probably had more reason to be scared. 

She was one of two people left on the Earth's surface. Literally. 

The other was Bellamy Blake. The love of her young life. 

He had risked his, injecting himself with nightblood in order to stay with her. 

The first few months Clarke had given him the silent treatment. She hated him for making a life changing sacrifice for her. 

But when Bellamy admitted that he had done it for love... Clarke changed her tune. 

She now loved Bellamy Blake so much that it hurt to consider a life without him. 

She remembered their first time, how it had been soft and sweet but also passionate and longing. 

She remembered the numerous other times after that. A blush ran to her cheeks.

What did you expect from two young adults stuck alone together?

Clarke had known she was pregnant before the test in Becca's lab confirmed it. 

She had had a feeling. 

She had dreamt of a baby girl, swaddled in Bellamy's arms. 

He had called her Athena. 

When she had awoken that day, research through the few surviving books she'd hauled from Becca's lab had told her that Athena was the Goddess of wisdom, poetry, art, and war strategy. This made Clarke smile. The next day she had told Bellamy she was going to scout for more survivable land outside of the Valley and she had returned to Becca's lab. 

The one surviving pregnancy test told her what she already knew. 

She was pregnant with Bellamy Blake's child. 


Clarke walked back to camp on high alert. She knew no one else was around, but she felt extra vulnerable now, and especially slow.

By her calculations she was almost 3 months pregnant. 

God. In less than 6 months she'd have to deal with giving birth. 

She thought back to the story Bellamy had told her about Octavia's birth. 

She didn't want to put him through that again. 

Force him to relive every memory he had been desperately trying to forget. 

But she had to. It was the only choice. 

She smiled. 

'Only choice also an oxymoron'

'So is cold sweat'

She had thought that would be the last time she would ever see him. 

She had etched the memory into her mind, so that she could hold onto it when she was alone down here. 

But he had stayed. He had ruined his life for her. 

Clarke approached camp.

God she loved him. 

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