Season 1- Save me

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*Bellamy returns from a hunt with a serious wound. Clarke realises that she can't let him die*

Searing pain. That was all Bellamy Blake could feel. His eyes searched desperately in the darkness, he tried to scream but no words came.

He fought with himself, trying to obtain his last memory, trying to figure out where he was.

An image appeared behind his eyelids.

He and Finn in the forest with a hunting party.

The boys and girls were joking around, laughing and shoving each other.

"Come on now. Do you want to get us all killed?" Bellamy asked, but a smile lingered on his lips.

"Lighten up man. It's Earth!" Finn exclaimed, holding his hands up as a grand gesture.

Bellamy has laughed at the boy. Finn has never been his favourite, by any means, but he was a decent guy.

Bellamy thought about Clarke then, the beautiful green eyes girl who ran the camp.

They were co-leaders.

He had hated her, thought she was like all of the others who didn't understand him.

She turned out to be the opposite.

She was caring and understanding.

When he saw her kill Atom in the forest he'd known.

She was strong, cared about others more than she cared about herself.

Bellamy felt a tingle in his chest and shut his eyes, breathing deeply.

Finn's voice broke through the darkness.

"Bellamy watch out!"

Bellamy was on the ground now, pain tearing across his stomach like a hot knife.

He looked down to see an arrow sticking out of his stomach.

Spots appeared before his vision, and he let a curse slip out of his lips before becoming unconscious.

When Bellamy opened his eyes again he was being carried back to camp.

Finn and another man were carrying him.

He screamed as he felt the pain again, it felt as if every breath was drawing the arrow further into him.

"Bellamy, stay calm okay. We're gunna get you back." Finn insisted, his voice panicked.

Bellamy felt himself passing out again.

"Get Clarke. Get me to Clarke." He whispered.


Clarke Griffin was tending to a burn when Finn came barrelling into camp.

"Clarke!" He screamed.

The girl looked across the plain, Finn was running toward her, two other men were carrying a limp body.

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